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Rapports de sécurité alimentaire: Olympia, Washington, United States

Mise à jour:


Jimmy John's, Olympia, Washington, USA

il y a 4 ans reported by user-zprhx974 détails

Totally tuna sandwich went right thru me, they had just finished using the slicer to cut really nice fresh llettuce. I called them this morning and told them, their imediate response was "I'm sure it wasn't from here" It's Sunday today and both city and state health… Voir plus

#jimmyjohns #olympia #washington #us #sandwich #tuna


Wendy's, Harrison Avenue Northwest, Olympia, WA, USA

il y a 4 ans reported by user-bgrjd273 détails

Both my daughter and I displayed symptoms after eating spicy chicken nuggets. Immediately that night both of us became ill.
We had not eaten or drank anything the same except when we went .  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Fièvre, Nausée, Vomissements

#wendys #olympia #washington #us #chicken #chickennuggets


Rite Aid, Cooper Point Road Northwest, Olympia, WA 98502, USA

il y a 4 ans reported by user-BP c408ddcf-ba19-40f5-9e8c-6cacefd6fcbe détails

I ate a can if chef boyardee raviolis and have been throwing up and sick for the last 24 hours., Started getting sick in about an hour.  | Symptômes: Vomissements, Diarrhée

#chefboyardee #olympia #washington #us #chefboyardee


McDonald's, Harrison Avenue Northwest, Olympia, WA, USA

il y a 4 ans reported by user-vtyn8527 détails

The last few times I went I knew the food wasn’t right, finally after eating my food yesterday I got a very bad case of food poisoning, I definitely will not be returning.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Fièvre, Nausée, Vomissements

#mcdonalds #olympia #washington #us

7/5 Ate 1/2 beef taco and few tator tots about 1:30 pm on Friday. 2:00 am Saturday very sick with severe stomach cramps. I am the only one who ate & only one sick.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Nausée, Vomissements, Crampes

#tacotime #olympia #washington #us #beef #taco


McDonald's, Harrison Avenue Northwest, Olympia, WA, USA

il y a 5 ans reported by user-cqfk2224 détails

Me and my Boyfriend got 2 burgers, a big mac and a double quarter pounder. After eating a majority of our burgers we realized the meat was too pink, and within hours we both had high fevers, vomiting, diarrhea, and muscle cramps so severe we couldnt leave bed except ro run to the bathroom.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Fièvre, Nausée, Vomissements, Crampes

#mcdonalds #pink #olympia #washington #us #bigmac #meat

I ate the 10 vegetable soup, Mediterranean veggie sandwich, some bear claw and a Diet Pepsi. Had lunch around 3pm became ill around 10/11pm that night. Still can’t stand or sit up without getting sick almost 12 hrs in.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Nausée, Vomissements

#panerabread #olympia #washington #us #sandwich #soup #vegetable #veggie #pepsi

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