Food Safety Report: Buffalo Wild Wings, 1832 N Clybourn Ave, Chicago, IL, USA.
2 years ago •source • business
Regulatory Report
1832 North Clybourn Avenue, Chicago, 60614 Illinois, United States
Report date: Jun 17, 20223. Management, food employee and conditional employee; knowledge, responsibilities and reporting
- comments: found no employee health policy/training on-site. Instructed facility to establish an appropriate employee health policy/training system and maintain with verifiable documents on-site. Priority foundation violation 7-38-010. Citation issued. On 6-21-22, employee health policy/training on-site.
8. Hands clean & properly washed
- comments: observed employee at end of shift removed gloves and washed his hands and arms at set three-compartment sink. Must do handwashing at the handwashing sink. The manager discussed the issue with the employee. Priority violation:7-38-010,citation issued
10. Adequate handwashing sinks properly supplied and accessible
- comments: the handwashing sink in the dishroom is not accessible for handwashing. We observed the sink clogged and unable to use. Instructed to repair issue. Priority foundation violation:7-38-030(c), citation issued. On 6-21-22 violation corrected
10. Adequate handwashing sinks properly supplied and accessible
- comments: no soap provided at handwashing sink at first floor main bar also soap dispenser removed from wall, at dishroom by low temp dishmachine unable to dispense soap. Instructed to provide soap. And re-install the soap dispenser at said area. Priority foundation violation:7-38-030(c)citation issued.
16. Food-contact surfaces: cleaned & sanitized
- comments: observed empty bottle of sanitizing solution at low temp dish machine at dishroom; dishes, pots trays etc being washed, 0 ppm chlorine. Sanitizer solution provided by the manager. However, the unit did not dispense sanitizing solution at the final rinse,0ppm. Instructed to repair issue. Low temp dish machine tagged, 'do not use. ' use a three-compartment sink for washing, rinsing, and sanitizing dishes. Priority violation 7-38-005,citation issued.
38. Insects, rodents, & animals not present
- comments: over 50 small flies in serving, dining, and bar areas: on walls, on pictures frames, on tv, etc. Instructed to remove, clean, and sanitize areas. Priority foundation:738-020(a) citation issued
40. Personal cleanliness
- comments: observed some employee with not effective hair restraint. Hair must be completely restraint
41. Wiping cloths: properly used & stored
- comments: all wiping cloths in all prep areas must be held in a container with a sanitizing solution between use.
44. Utensils, equipment & linens: properly stored, dried, & handled
- comments: hanged clean utensils for air-dry at south wall across from low temp dishmachine are too low to floor. Must relocate to minimize the source of contamination.
50. Hot & cold water available; adequate pressure
- comments: found improper hot water temperature at hand washing sink at main bar on first floor(water temp of 82. 5f). Also, the handwashing sink at east fryer station has a water temp of 80f. Instructed manager that proper hot water temperature at hand washing sinks must be at a minimum of 100. 0f or higher through a mixing valve or combination faucet. . Priority violation. 7-38-030(c). Citation issued 6-21-22 hot water provided
51. Plumbing installed; proper backflow devices
- comments: repair handles at handwashing sink in kitchen, not easily operating.
55. Physical facilities installed, maintained & clean
- comments: caulking between the wall and low temp dishmachine with black slime substance. Walls in dishroom with excess grimes. Clean and maintain
55. Physical facilities installed, maintained & clean
- comments: missing ceiling tiles at rear storage/prep area,replace. Broken grout at repaired floor tiles in dishroom, repair
58. Allergen training as required
- comments: additional allergen training certificate is required for all certified food service managers