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Relatórios de segurança alimentar: Halibut


I awoke early this morning suddenly nauseated and vomited along with diarrhea. Had dinner. I was the only to get sick and the only one to have had the house salad and Halibut, I’m only one sick, but also only one had house salad and Halibut with cauliflower purée  | Sintomas: Vomitando, Náusea, Febre, Diarreia

#livonia #michigan #unitedstates #salada #halibut

I ate at Oyshi sushi on Rainbow Blvd on 1/30/2018 from 11:30am to 2:15pm. I ate salmon roe, salmon, halibut, mackerel, red snapper and a few different rolls that contain eel, tuna, and cream cheese. I also ate miso soup and green tiramisu. I started feeling sick… Veja mais

#raw #lasvegas #nevada #unitedstates #queijo #creme #peixe #japonesa #salmão #sopa #sushi #atum #halibut

Eu comi cerca de 1 o relógio. Eu comi a salada de couve, o alabote do norte e a torta de abóbora. Eu tive cólicas estomacais severas e comecei a vomitar por volta das 18h. Fiquei violentamente doente por aproximadamente 8 horas.  | Sintomas: Vomitando, Cãibras

#jensenbeach #florida #unitedstates #salada #halibut

Eu estive neste restaurante duas vezes agora. Eu fui com meu melhor amigo para o meu jantar de aniversário. Eu pedi a sopa de molusco da Nova Inglaterra e o alabote como prato principal. Depois de comer a comida, senti um pouco de náuseas. Eu pensei que… Veja mais

#rye #newyork #unitedstates #sopademariscos #halibut

I had the Pork Belly and Duck Egg Appetizer as well as the Halibut special. I typically love this restaurant but was quite ill after eating here.  | Sintomas: Diarreia, Febre, Náusea, Vomitando

#hockessin #delaware #unitedstates #porco #ovo #halibut

I had dinner last night 9/23 and had the halibut special, Caesar salad, bread and butter, red wine, water and a dessert that was a blonde brownie with vanilla ice cream and Carmel sauce. One of my friends got sick too and the only same things we ate was bread, butter, wine, water and dessert.  | Sintomas: Diarreia

#anchorage #alaska #unitedstates #pão #creme #sorvete #salada #vinho #manteiga #saladacaesar #halibut

my wife and I ate Thursday (8/23/18) night and had all you can eat. The Halibut and Oysters tasted a little funky ate the time. Symptoms developed around midnight on Friday (8/24/18). Terrible fever and vomiting, freezing cold but sweating like crazy at same time. Still have… Veja mais

#lasvegas #nevada #unitedstates #ostras #halibut

Amazing dinner at the Lone Eagle Grille last night (7/23/18). Unfortunately within hours 3 out of the 4 adults had bad diarrhea +/- vomiting all night and still into this morning. We all 4 shared the peppers and mussels. 3 sick drank tap water with our meals.… Veja mais

#inclinevillage #nevada #unitedstates #costelas #mexilhões #halibut

I ate the halibut special, and the fish was like leather, obviously old. I was ill within the hour with feverish feeling and nausea, and burning sensations in my mouth and throat. I had burning all through the digestive tract and very intense diarrhea into the next day.  | Sintomas: Diarreia, Náusea

#redding #california #unitedstates #peixe #halibut