Zone d'activité de la Prade,
Super U Soual has voluntarily recalled its store-packaged Longe de Thon Albacore due to the presence of histamine. The recalled product was sold in Soual through Super U in France
The recalled product is:
- Albacore Tuna Loin
- Packaged by the store.
- The product has a best-before date of July 18, 2024.
- The product was sold in the geographical area of Soual.
- Product to be kept in the refrigerator
- The product was sold between July 13 and July 18, 2024
If you have this product at home, do not consume it and return it to the store where it was purchased.
If you or a loved one are harmed or experiencing any symptoms, it is important to report it. Reporting can help to detect & resolve outbreaks early and prevent others from being harmed, and enables better surveillance. If symptoms persist, seek medical care.