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Rapports de sécurité alimentaire: Vaughan, Ontario, Canada

Mise à jour:


Nations Fresh Food, 7600 Weston Road, Woodbridge, ON, Canada

il y a 4 ans reported by user-BP d13d0ff1-5ece-4234-bfdc-0980635d0cfe détails

I bought whole Salmon fish today and I felt it’s smelling not fresh but I fried and ate it. Now I get sick and vomiting, After 2 hour symptoms begins, 3 persons get sick  | Symptômes: Vomissements

#vaughan #ontario #ca #poisson #saumon


Starbucks, 1101 Rutherford Road, Vaughan, Ontario, Canada

il y a 4 ans reported by user-Instabot user 203949092 détails

My daughter had an almond milk ice coffee and 8 hours later she was in the hospital with food poisoning. Cost us $680.00, About 8 hours, just her as she was the only one that had her type of drink. She did not feel sick other than… Voir plus

#starbucks #vaughan #ontario #ca #euh #café #lait

We purchased few different pastries from them on the Mother's day and my daughter ate some of them on that day and it caused diarrhea and vomiting.
I ate some next day (we kept them in 4 degree refrigerator) and I had a terrible food poisoning-like symptoms,… Voir plus

#vaughan #ontario #ca #crème #fraise

Had the fettuccine al pesto. I know the difference between a virus (like noral) and food poisoning. This is definitely food poisoning. Pretty immediate. Came home. Stomach cramps. Diaherra and vomiting AT SAME TIME  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Vomissements, Crampes

#vaughan #ontario #ca #pesto #fettuccine


IKEA Vaughan, Interchange Way, Concord, ON, Canada

il y a 5 ans reported by user-nhbpm817 détails

This is not a recent illness but in 2016, myself, my dad, mom and sister went to eat at this location. We all got different things. My dad got sick the next day at work and when he was returning home he stopped at the 401 and… Voir plus

#ikea #vaughan #ontario #ca #végétalien #puréedepommesdeterre #sauce


IKEA Vaughan, Interchange Way, Concord, ON, Canada

il y a 5 ans reported by user-tjfq8447 détails

I ate around 4pm on Friday February 22nd 2019, I had the veggie ball plate with rice and carrots, and I started feeling sick around 7pm, later that night I kept waking up to projectile vomit every hour and couldn't keep anything down for about 24 hours… Voir plus

#ikea #vaughan #ontario #ca #riz #végétarien


Wendy's, Woodstream Boulevard, Woodbridge, ON, Canada

il y a 5 ans reported by user-vvwc9972 détails

i ate the chicken burger , i felt fine, i started getting an anxiety attack because i have a fear of throwing up. it made me nauseous and now i’m pacing back and forth  | Symptômes: Nausée, Vomissements

#wendys #vaughan #ontario #ca #burger #poulet #burgeraupoulet


IKEA Vaughan, Interchange Way, Vaughan, Ontario, Canada

il y a 5 ans reported by user-qttrc357 détails

Mon mari et moi sommes deux hot-dogs chacun le 12 janvier 2019 à 21h. Je me suis réveillé à 4 heures du matin avec d'horribles crampes d'estomac. Après avoir été aux toilettes pendant environ une heure sans rien passer, j'ai commencé à vomir. Environ une demi-heure plus… Voir plus

#ikea #blood #vaughan #ontario #ca

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