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Rapports de sécurité alimentaire: Concord, California, United States

Mise à jour:

Was feeling very well then went to dinner here, I had the 3Cheese Pizza, I ate 3 slices my friend had 1 slices. I woke later that night with severe abdominal cramps and uncontrollable diarrhea that kept me up all night, later in the morning my friend… Voir plus

#lazydogcafe #concord #california #us #pizza


Popeyes Louisiana Kitchen, Clayton Road, Concord, CA, USA

il y a 4 ans reported by user-BP 188c0814-4f55-4501-8863-a8523f6ad844 détails

I’ve eaten the chicken around 8p last night and started feeling stomach pains around 9-10p then nausea and vomiting around 1a, I’m the only one that gotten sick. It all started after eating the chicken sandwich around 8pm yesterday. (stomach pains) at 9-10pm. Nausea and vomiting at 1am (on going)  | Symptômes: Nausée, Vomissements, Douleur d'estomac

#popeyes #concord #california #us #chicken #sandwich #chickensandwich


Panera Bread, Diamond Boulevard, Concord, California, USA

il y a 4 ans reported by user-BP e83686dd-d258-4277-b0e7-0f82d812aa31 détails

I think possible a caeser salad, 1 person out of 5 got sick. The only thing I ate than no one else did was a caeser salad and an egg. 3-4 hours for symptoms. Having bad stomach cramping, nausea, and diarrhea lasting 7 hours so far.   | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Nausée, Crampes

#panerabread #concord #california #us #salad #egg


Dos Coyotes, Concord, CA, USA

il y a 4 ans reported by user-xhfyw168 détails

Last night around 8 pm 10/8/2019 I went to get 2 Navajo nachos to go. 1 chicken with black beans the other with steak and refried. Felt ok till around 10 am the next day 10/9/2019 my husband came home and vomited and diarrhea then again at… Voir plus

#concord #california #us #chicken #steak #blackbeans

J'ai mangé hier soir à cet endroit... Je suis maintenant malade à la maison car j'ai trop de vertiges et de nausées pour travailler. J'avais une salade d'accompagnement et des fajitas. Je n'y retournerai jamais !  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Fièvre, Nausée, Vertiges

#chilis #concord #california #us #salad

I dont remember which food stand it it was but they only served chicken sandwiches and cheese burgers. My son who is 4 and my husband both ate a burger and now they cant stop throwing up.  | Symptômes: Vomissements

#concord #california #us #burger #cheese #chicken

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