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Rapports de sécurité alimentaire: Wheat Ridge, Colorado, United States

Mise à jour:

Ate only a few bites of a lobster roll and lobster bisque and IMMEDIATELY started to feel light headed and nauseous. Had to lie down in the car while my family finished eating. Now home puking my brains out.  | Symptômes: Fièvre, Nausée, Vomissements

#redlobster #wheatridge #colorado #unitedstates #homard #rouleau

I had there Chick-n-tater meal and I only ate the sandwich and I've been sick all morning. Throwing up, feverish, stuck in the bathroom since 6am. I haven't been sick like this in 5 or 6 YEARS!  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Fièvre, Nausée, Vomissements

#jackinthebox #wheatridge #colorado #unitedstates #sandwich

Yesterday, I ordered a $5 Cravings Deal Box, ate both tacos and half of thr burrito (I did not eat the cinammon crisps) and like 5 hours later noticed symptoms. They were diahreea, loss of appetite, discomfort, and intestinal pain. I haven't been sick yet this year… Voir plus

#tacobell #wheatridge #colorado #unitedstates #burrito

I ordered a venti Mocha Latte with coconut milk, skinny mocha syrup. Within an hour, I was violently ill with nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. It came out of nowhere, and it was the only thing I had within a 2 hour span.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Nausée, Vomissements

#starbucks #wheatridge #colorado #unitedstates #moka #lait

J'ai mangé un petit déjeuner sandwich avec du bacon ce matin. Le bacon était détrempé et l'œuf un peu granuleux. J'ai immédiatement commencé à avoir des douleurs à l'estomac, et 1 heure plus tard, le projectile a vomi au travail. Je me suis senti mieux après avoir… Voir plus

#starbucks #wheatridge #colorado #unitedstates #bacon #sandwich #oeuf

Je suis allé au homard rouge pour ma commande d'anniversaire de gâteaux de crabe et de saumon Oscar au crabe avec une salade César avec vinaigrette César. L'intestin de la salade était glacé mais la laitue était chaude et non la laitue romanie traditionnelle. J'en ai pris… Voir plus

#redlobster #wheatridge #colorado #unitedstates #crabe #laitue #homard #salade #saumon #saladecésar

My girlfriend and I stopped at qdoba for lunch on Wednesday I got a steak burrito with basic toppings and she got 2 tacos, pulled pork and chicken. She ate her tacos and not much of her queso. I had none of her food. She ate the… Voir plus

#qdoba #wheatridge #colorado #unitedstates #burrito #poulet #steak #porc #porceffiloché