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Rapports de sécurité alimentaire: Oviedo, Florida, United States

Mise à jour:

About an hour after eating at Panera bread, I was driving home and had a bad urge to get sick. I had to pull over in the Walmart parking lot and spent about 15 minutes there throwing up. My ride home consisted of my trying to hold… Voir plus

#panerabread #oviedo #florida #us #bread


Steak 'n Shake, Red Bug Lake Road, Oviedo, FL, USA

il y a 6 ans reported by user-dfkmq331 détails

I went to steak and shake for lunch because I heard one of my friends say they really like the food there, so since it was around I gave it a go, I ordered the chicken tendered and just regular fries, I can’t complain about the taste… Voir plus

#steaknshake #oviedo #florida #us #chicken #fries #shake #steak


Wawa, West Mitchell Hammock Road, Oviedo, FL, USA

il y a 6 ans reported by user-nbzw3852 détails

Sunday morning Feb 4th, wife and me ate same egg cheese burrito with room temperature salsa. 4 hours later wife started with vomiting and diareah, same for me a bit later. Was likely the salsa from sitting out too long. Will not eat there ever again.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Nausée, Vomissements

#wawa #oviedo #florida #us #burrito #cheese #salsa #egg

Went to chili’s two Sunday’s in a row. Stupid me and got food poisoned. Common denominator of what i ate both times was the rolls. Southern spring rolls. I went to the ER both times the day after and was given anti vomit medicine , anti diah, had to take sick leave from work.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Fièvre, Nausée, Vomissements

#chilis #oviedo #florida #us #virusdel'estomac #chili

J'ai mangé la moitié d'un steak burrito et un peu de fromage et de frites vers 20 h 30. J'ai déjà mangé ce repas exact dans un autre appartement de Tijuana et cela ne m'a jamais donné de problèmes. Vers 21 h 30, mon estomac a commencé… Voir plus

#oviedo #florida #us #burrito #chips #steak

Les 30 derniers jours