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Rapports de sécurité alimentaire: Bethesda, Maryland, United States

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Rapports récents

J'ai commandé une douzaine d'huîtres crues et mangé la moitié. J'ai aussi commandé du saumon. Après 1 heure, j'ai regardé obtenir de la diarrhée et des nausées. Environ 30 min après, je vomissais et toute la nourriture est sortie. Après une heure, je vomissais à nouveau et… Voir plus

#raw #bethesda #maryland #us #saumon #huîtres

On August 23 at about 4:30 PM Eastern standard time I ate a burrito with the heaters chicken black beans mild salsa sour cream and lettuce about 3 1/2 hours later I started to feel nauseous and I threw up the entire burrito and also had diarrhea… Voir plus

#chipotlemexicangrill #bethesda #maryland #us #burrito #poulet #crème #laitue #salsa #crèmesure #haricotsnoirs

I got the seasonal kale and quinoa salad. I’ve eaten there two other times and didn’t get sick, but that was my first time ordering this item. I felt sick on the way home. My stomach was in pain and cramping. I got home and threw up all of it and felt better.  | Symptômes: Nausée, Vomissements, Crampes

#bethesda #maryland #us #salade

Tuna  I had the tuna tataki salad (which I always get) and within minutes my face and lips were numb. I’m not allergic so I was worried and within an hour I was covered in a sunburn like rash and rushed to the ER with they kept me overnight for scomboid toxicity   | Symptômes: Nausée, Vomissements, Rash cutané

#thecheesecakefactory #bethesda #maryland #us #scombroid #salade #thon

Bean salad or bacon wrapped dates or one of the other courses I had with the restaurant week special. I got sick. Husband did not. We ate different things. Symptoms started within 2 h of eating. So severe that I went to emergency room after being dizzy… Voir plus

#bethesda #maryland #us #soinsurgents #bacon #salade #haricot

I think it was a salad from the eatery in the mall, I got sick about 4 hours after eating with the first bout of diarrhea and then I fell asleep for like an hour.  I woke up running to the bathroom with severe diarrhea for like… Voir plus

#bethesda #maryland #us #salade