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Rapports de sécurité alimentaire: Saginaw, Michigan, United States

Mise à jour:


Red Lobster, Bay Road, Saginaw, MI, USA

il y a 5 ans reported by user-txyk7929 détails

My husband and I had dinner on Thursday, Feb. 21, at approximately 7pm. That's when the main course arrived, about an hour after we were seated. Refused dessert as I was already feeling uncomfortable at that point. On the way home I felt nauseous and had a… Voir plus

#redlobster #undercooked #saginaw #michigan #us #baked #lobster #potato #salad #sirloin #butter #garlic


Subway Restaurants, State Street, Saginaw, MI, USA

il y a 5 ans reported by user-khbjh683 détails

My wife got food July 12, from subway along with my daughter. My daughter had severe vomiting 24 hours later. 3 days later, my wife had severe vomiting and then dry heaves, and still has severe diarrhea and stomach cramps. She has been to a Doctor and is still affected by the cramps and diarrhea.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Vomissements

#subway #saginaw #michigan #us


IHOP, Tittabawassee Road, Saginaw, MI, États-Unis

il y a 6 ans reported by user-frrk1154 détails

J'ai commandé le Chicken Clubhouse Super Stacker et j'ai immédiatement commencé à me sentir malade dès que j'ai commencé à manger. Je me suis senti très, très nauséeux en rentrant chez moi et dès que je suis rentré chez moi, je l'ai vomi sans hésitation. Gardez à… Voir plus

#ihop #saginaw #michigan #us #chicken

I had seafood lasagna around 7pm friday night. At 5am saturday morming i woke up expiriencing severe nausea followed by diahrea and vommiting a couple hours later.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Nausée, Vomissements

#olivegarden #saginaw #michigan #us #seafood

Les 30 derniers jours