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Rapports de sécurité alimentaire: Norfolk, Virginia, United States

Mise à jour:


IKEA, Ikea Way, Norfolk, VA, USA

il y a 5 ans reported by user-qmkb2223 détails

The store is awesome but the food is a stone cold killer, I ate the chicken strips and mash potatoes and gravey and tasted the mac and cheese. Before I could leave the store I had to rush quickly to bathroom, 2 other people were also rushing… Voir plus

#ikea #norfolk #virginia #us #fromage #poulet #lanièresdepoulet

J'ai mangé au smoothie tropical vers 16 h le dimanche 10 février. J'ai commandé un wrap de buffle Je ne pense pas que le poulet ait été cuit jusqu'au bout, quelque chose n'allait tout simplement pas ce matin lundi 11 2019 Je me suis réveillé en transpirant… Voir plus

#tropicalsmoothiecafe #norfolk #virginia #us #buffle #poulet #envelopper


Cook Out, North Military Highway, Norfolk, VA, USA

il y a 5 ans reported by user-gfftm783 détails

After eating a cook out tray / burger / the chicken wrap and nuggets. Within 30 min i had a raging fever, intense stomach burn, diahrea. Fast heart rate and sweating it really has me freaked out.

Will not be going back there again.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Fièvre, Nausée

#cookout #norfolk #virginia #us #burger #poulet #envelopper

I ate an ultimate club sandwich from Tropical Smoothie at about 11:30 am. About 2:15pm I started to feel nauseous. By 3:30 it was literally coming out of bout ends. It's now around 7pm and I'm still running back and fourth to the toilet.  | Symptômes: Nausée

#tropicalsmoothiecafe #norfolk #virginia #us #sandwich #clubsandwich


McDonald's, 7900 Shore Dr, Norfolk, VA 23518, USA

il y a 6 ans reported by user-jnnmz414 détails

On 6/20/18 at 9:30AM, I stopped at the McDonald's restaurant in Norfolk on Shore Rd. I ordered a large black coffee and 2 sausage biscuit sandwiches which I ate at the establishment. Approximately, 30 minutes upon my arrival home I began to experience severe abdominal pain which… Voir plus

#mcdonalds #norfolk #virginia #us #biscuit #café #saucisse


Chipotle Mexican Grill, Colley Avenue, Norfolk, VA, USA

il y a 6 ans reported by user-hmbxh247 détails

I had a burrito with chicken, cheese, guac, and sour cream. I regularly order this burrito this is the first time I have ever gotten sick from it!  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Nausée, Vomissements

#chipotlemexicangrill #norfolk #virginia #us #burrito #fromage #poulet #crème #crèmesure

I ate a chicken bacon ranch footlong on italian herbs and cheese from old Dominion University’s Webb Center Food Court. I have bad customer service and orders from there before, but today the customer service was alright. 4 hours later as I was eating zucchini for dinner,… Voir plus

#subway #norfolk #virginia #us #bacon #fromage #poulet #airederestauration #italien #zucchini

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