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Rapports de sécurité alimentaire: Chimichanga

Mise à jour:

J'ai mangé un chimichanga au parc et le lendemain vers 3 heures du matin, je me suis réveillé avec des frissons, de la sueur et des vomissements incessants. Cela dure depuis maintenant 4 jours. J'ai contacté Disneyland et je n'ai pas eu de nouvelles d'eux. J'ai dû aller aux urgences juste pour découvrir qu'il s'agissait d'une infection de l'estomac.  | Symptômes: Fièvre, Nausée, Vomissements, Frissons, Transpiration

#disneyland #anaheim #california #us #euh #chimichanga


Pueblo Viejo, East 14th Street, Des Moines, IA, USA

il y a 5 ans reported by user-pmyt6985 détails

April 10th at 1pm my daughter, grandson, and I went to Pueblo Viejo Mexican restaurant. About 30 minutes after leaving the restaurant at 1:30pm I became uncontrollable of my vows and began to vomit. Later that evening my grandson began to vomit and run a fever. My… Voir plus

#desmoines #iowa #us #beef #mexican #rice #chimichanga

I had lunch at Azteca yesterday and ordered a chimichanga with a beef taco. I intermittent fast so I was starving and ate it a tad fast. By the time I got to the taco the meat tasted funny, but I just assumed it was the spices… Voir plus

#tacoma #washington #us #beef #taco #chimichanga #meat

Monday, Jan 7th 2PM. Chimichanga with chicken and green chili pork sauce with lettuce, tomatoes, sour cream cheese and hot salsa. Got so violently ill that I had to go to the ER! Only other thing I ate that day was a prepackaged deli sandwich so I… Voir plus

#coloradosprings #colorado #us #euh #cheese #chicken #chili #cream #lettuce #salsa #sandwich #pork #sourcream #chimichanga


La Cocina, North Court Avenue, Tucson, AZ, USA

il y a 5 ans reported by user-zbcc1125 détails

My sister had the chimichanga made vegan with soy chorizo, my mother had a variety of tacos. We all had the chips, salsa and guacamole. My sisters symptoms started 1.5 hours after we left the restaurant, my others 4 hours after. My boyfriend and I are fearing… Voir plus

#tucson #arizona #us #chips #guacamole #salsa #vegan #chimichanga #chorizo #soy


Superior Grill, U.S. 280, Birmingham, AL, USA

il y a 5 ans reported by user-gcxwp752 détails

We went to superior grill yesterday around 300 pm. We had chips salsa and cheese dip. I ordered the superior chimichanga with ground beef. Around 800 pm last night I got so sick. I threw up so much that I became dehydrated. I was in so much… Voir plus

#birmingham #alabama #us #beef #cheese #chips #salsa #chimichanga

Les 30 derniers jours