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Arrived Jan 30, 2020 with a group of 11 adults. Second day into trip we spent the day at the side pool. Few of us had a tequila shot and mojito. Simultaneously, 5 of us became very ill. Vomiting, could not stand up, passing out and blacking… Voir plus

#puntacana #laaltagracia #do

I ate Big Mac from there, that night went to bed feeling bad, woke up throwing up. I had diarrhea and vomiting all day, running fever, I thought it was the stomach flu. No one else got it including my 2 year old grand baby and still… Voir plus

#mcdonalds #raw #batonrouge #louisiana #us #bigmac #viande

Hier soir, j'ai mangé 4 tranches d'une pizza moyenne faite à la main. Après l'avoir manchée, ma femme a pris une tranche et s'est rendu compte que des parties de la pâte n'étaient pas cuites, mais crues. Je ne pensais pas tomber aussi malade que je le… Voir plus

#dominospizza #undercooked #raw #wareham #massachusetts #us #pizza

Double Bacon Smash  I ordered using DoorDash and had my meal about 6:30 ,at about 9:30 my stomach started feeling very bloated and I started to burp the brussel sprouts I went to bed feeling extremely nauseous about 11:pm ,I woke up shivering about midnight I had… Voir plus

#smashburger #locustgrove #georgia #us #bacon

I went for a quick lunch at 2:30 pm on 1-24-2020. Ordered the chicken avacado burrito. I felt very sick at 3 and started vomiting at 3:30. I vomited. Every 20 mins. It got more violent at 5:30. I have been up all night vomiting about every… Voir plus

#elpolloloco #losangeles #california #us #burrito #poulet

Purchased two double cheeseburgers and two McChickens my partner had one of each, and I had one of each. Both of us are now severely ill less than 6 hours after eating them for lunch. Cramping for us both started around 1:30 and by 5pm we have diarrhea and projectile vomiting; mostly been bile now.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Nausée, Vomissements, Crampes, Bile

#mcdonalds #carlisle #pennsylvania #us

Impossible Whopper  3rd time I’ve gotten I’ll after eating a Impossible Whopper at the same place. Ate one last night and became sick this morning at sick I couldn’t leave the bathroom for over 30 mins....I feel terribly nauseous and queasy and like I’m about to… Voir plus

#burgerking #impossibleburger #willingboro #newjersey #us #whopper

I got all mild wings and honey barbeque wings soft pretzel and onion rings from there and my dad feels like he has a stomach ulcer and is having diarrhea and so am I, I'm like throwing up bile and the buffalo sauce and it hurts really… Voir plus

#buffalowildwings #novi #michigan #us #buffle #miel #oignon #ailes #bretzel #rondellesdoignon

Mince meat I ate the mince meat and rice (only mince was vomited and loose stools out. It was 2days in date. I ate it at 17:00pm. I went to bed at 19:30. I woke up at 23:30 feeling hot( temperature), bloated and hot stomach. At 00:02,… Voir plus

#aldi #waltononthenaze #england #gb #riz #viande