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Reportes Recientes

I had chicken wings, curly fries, and some fried pickles. Shortly after I left i felt my stomach was a little unsettled. Around 8 hours later I wake up with severe cramps in my stomach. I have diarrhea. A few minutes after that, I vomit all the… Ver más

#hooters #miami #florida #us #pollo #patatasfritas #alas #alitasdepollo #encurtidosfritos

I ordered the combo plate and woke up in the middle of the night wretching, vomiting up yellow bile, and having diarrhea. This was on February 2nd. It is now March 21st and I am still waking up every morning between 4-8am with nausea and diarrhea. To… Ver más

#thehalalguys #westhollywood #california #us

I ate a Billy club around 4:30pm -5:00 pm on 3-11-18 I felt fine until around 11:30 pm when my stomach started cramping and I started sweating a lot I then vomited numerous times until I’d gotten everything including bile out of my tummy.  | Síntomas: Náusea, Vómitos, Hiel

#jimmyjohns #denver #colorado #us

Pollo con palomitas. Pocas horas después de consumir, experimenté calambres estomacales extremos y dolor junto con náuseas de proporciones épicas. Poco después vomité violentamente varias veces hasta que no tuve más que bilis estomacal. Dolores torácicos en el lado derecho. mareado. Desmayo. Temblores y temblores a pesar… Ver más

#kfc #preston #victoria #au #pollo #palomitas

Ate it at work at 4, felt nausea by 4:30, started puking at 4:45. It's 5:40 and I'm still puking, pretty sure the cheddar fries are gone, down to only stomach bile and still puking.  | Síntomas: Diarrea, Náusea, Vómitos, Hiel

#tacobell #knox #indiana #us #cheddar #patatasfritas

Tengo tortitas gratis de T-Mobile. He añadido huevos, tocino y salchichas. Me desperté en mitad de la noche con fiebre, escalofríos y vómitos. Tenía diarrea todo el día y estaba muy agotada.  | Síntomas: Diarrea, Fiebre, Náusea, Vómitos, Escalofríos, Hiel

#dennys #sanantonio #texas #us #tocino #salchicha

i ordered mcdonalds from door dash, a delivery app. the food came, and i started eating and everything was fine, up until i went to bed. i woke up near 2 am tossing and turning in my bed, not feeling comfortable at all. i went to the… Ver más

#mcdonalds #doordash #stamford #connecticut #us #jengibre

What a nightmare! After my sister's husband died, and a touching memorial service, close family members went together to The Oyster House in Mobile, AL because the deceased was a real seafood lover. Of the nine of us, 3 became deathly ill within 2 hours of leaving… Ver más

#mobile #alabama #us #mariscos

We all ate at smokin' Joe's, and when my daughter went to bed (about an hour later) she projectile vomited everywhere. She threw up in the shower, and finally threw up bile the last time (all within an hour). She continued to dry heave all night, and… Ver más

#bentonville #arkansas #us #queso

Ayer comí una hamburguesa doble con queso alrededor de las 2 de la tarde. Para cuando fui a trabajar a las 4 tenía náuseas y tenía calambres abdominales. También empezaba a sentirme muy débil. Tanto es así que mi gerente me envió a casa a las 8.… Ver más

#mcdonalds #silvercity #newmexico #us #hamburguesa #hamburguesaconqueso