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Reportes Recientes

I very very rarely consume fast food but for whatever reason, I ordered 2 McDoubles for lunch yesterday and all last night and most of this morning I was vomiting, had diarrhea and was sweating profusely, which in turn made me extremely cold. I had to take… Ver más

#mcdonalds #lecanto #florida #us #comidarápida

Ate chicken strips because I don't like bones while the rest of my family ate a bucket of chicken. Worst food poisoning I've ever had 8 hours later. Throwing up bile at this point.  | Síntomas: Diarrea, Náusea, Vómitos, Hiel

#kfc #damascus #maryland #us #pollo #tirasdepollo

I ate a quarter pounder with cheese meal with a Diet Coke and 2 cheese bites at around 7pm last night. A short while afterwards horrific sickness and diarrhoea began, constant nausea, high temperature. At 5am this morning I was bringing up stomach bile and dry heaving. Absolutely awful night.  | Síntomas: Diarrea, Náusea, Fiebre, Vómitos, Hiel

#swindon #england #gb #queso #coca #cocadietética

I got chipotle around 2pm and I bought a chicken bowl with rice beans corn cheese and sour cream. 3-4 hours later I start throwing up and it keeps going until midnight when I started throwing up pure bile and little specks of blood. I went to… Ver más

#chipotlemexicangrill #blood #pompanobeach #florida #us #salmonella #queso #pollo #maíz #crema #arroz #cremaagria #tazóndepollo #cuenco

Ate two mornings ago here.. Now both my husband and I have constant stomach aches and keep throwing up. So much throw up and diarrhea that our bodies are pooping and throwing up bile. Definitely food poisoned. We hadn't ate anything since.  | Síntomas: Diarrea, Náusea, Vómitos, Hiel

#whataburger #grandprairie #texas #us

11-11-16 went in for the Veterans Day lunch, after lunch I became very ill. Repeatedly threw up. Worst Veteran's Day/birthday of my life! Threw up so much until there was nothing but bile coming up.  | Síntomas: Vómitos, Hiel

#texasroadhouse #littlerock #arkansas #us

Compré submarino a las 7:32 p.m., justo después de comer, tuve calambres estomacales e hinchazón, exactamente una hora después, vomité pequeñas cantidades de bilis ácida y luego comenzó a aparecer el sándwich. Sigo vomitando ahora.  | Síntomas: Vómitos, Obstáculo, distensión abdominal, Hiel

#subway #losangeles #california #us #sandwich #sub

Compré algo para llevar en Panetta's el miércoles 31 de agosto a las 8:45 p.m. Pedí espaguetis y albóndigas. Detecté que la comida era más picante de lo normal, pero no pensé en ello. Alrededor de la una de la tarde empecé a vomitar violentamente. Vomité y… Ver más

#batonrouge #louisiana #us #visitaalmédico #espagueti

My husband and I both had the same pizza and within 3-4 hours we were vomiting all night long. Even after our stomachs were empty we would vomit bile and dry heave. We also had fevers and my husband had diahrea. It wasn't until after 12 hours that we were able to keep liquids down.  | Síntomas: Diarrea, Náusea, Fiebre, Vómitos, Hiel

#dominospizza #pasadena #california #us #pizza

I went to Chipotle on Arundel Mills BlVd yesterday July 31st at around 5:00pm. I did not eat my food right away because I was tired and wanted to take a nap first. I placed my burrito bowl in the refrigerator until I was ready to eat… Ver más

#chipotlemexicangrill #hanover #maryland #us #burrito #tazóndeburrito #cuenco