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Captain Hooks, 1600 W 13th St, Chicago, IL, USA

il y a 3 ans source

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1600 West 13th Street, Chicago, 60608 Illinois, United States

Report date: Jul 28, 2020
10. Adequate handwashing sinks properly supplied and accessible
- comments: 6-301. 12 observed no hand drying provision at the hand washing sink located in all 3 toilet rooms. Instructed to always maintain a hand drying provision inside all of the toilet rooms at all times. Priority foundation. Citation issued 7-38-030(c).

16. Food-contact surfaces: cleaned & sanitized
- comments: 4-602. 11(b-e) observed the interior of the ice machine with a pinkish/brownish substance. Instructed to clean and sanitize.

22. Proper cold holding temperatures
- comments: 3-501. 16(a:2,&b) observed time/temperature control for safety foods (raw chicken, cooked chicken) at improper cold holding temperatures located in the refrigerator and in the food prep area; 5 lbs of raw chicken at an improper temperature of 53f located inside of the refrigerator and about 10 lbs of cooked chicken at an improper temperature of 64f-66f located in the food prep area. Instructed to discard and denature said tcs foods and always maintain all cold tcs foods at 41f or below at all times. Manager discarded said tcs foods during the inspection. Priority violation. Citation issued 7-38-005.

36. Thermometers provided & accurate
- comments: 4-302. 12 observed no metal stem thermometer on site to properly take temperatures of cold and hot foods. Instructed to provide. Priority foundation. Citation issued 7-38-005.

37. Food properly labeled; original container
- comments: 3-602. 11(b:5) observed no allergen warning labels on the prepackaged desserts that are for sale at the front customer counter. Instructed to provide an allegen warning label for all prepackaged desserts. Priority foundation. Citation issued 7-38-005.

38. Insects, rodents, & animals not present
- comments: 6-501. 111 observed evidence of live insect activity. Observed about 5 live large flies flying around the facility and observed 1 large live roach crawling under the hand washing sink in the food prep area. Instructed to clean and sanitize affected areas and recommended contacting pest control for a service. Priority foundation. Citation issued 7-38-020(a).

40. Personal cleanliness
- comments: 2-402. 11 observed a female food handler without a hair restraint at the beginning of the inspection and then improperly wearing a hair restraint during the inspection. Instructed to always wear hair restraints properly and at all times.

49. Non-food/food contact surfaces clean
- comments: 4-601. 11(c) observed interior of fryers, interior of refrigerators, and the inside of the walk in cooler racks all with accumulated debris. Instructed to clean all areas and maintain.

51. Plumbing installed; proper backflow devices
- comments: 5-204. 12 unable to locate the backflow prevention on the ice machine. Instructed to locate.

53. Toilet facilities: properly constructed, supplied, & cleaned
- comments: 5-501. 17 observed no covered receptacle inside of the women's toilet room. Instructed to provide.

55. Physical facilities installed, maintained & clean
- comments: 6-201. 11 observed stained and missing ceiling tiles thru out the food prep areas. Instructed to replace.

55. Physical facilities installed, maintained & clean
- comments: 6-501. 12 observed accumulated dirt, food and grease debris on the walls ceilings, refrigerator door handles, under and around all cooking equipment, in between and under all refrigeration and freezer units and on all floors in both of the food prep areas. Instructed to clean and sanitize all and maintain.

55. Physical facilities installed, maintained & clean
- comments: 6-501. 13 observed standing water inside of the walk in cooler. Instructed to remove standing water. Observed accumulated dirt, food and grease debris on the floors thru out the entire food prep areas. Instructed to clean and sanitize and maintain all.

55. Physical facilities installed, maintained & clean
- comments: 6-501. 114 observed clutter and items stored on the floor thru out the rear of the facility and in the rear rooms. Instructed to elevate everything at least 6 inches from the ground and remove all unnecessary clutter.

57. All food employees have food handler training
- comments: 2-102. 13 observed female food handlers without food handlers certificates. Instructed to meet requirement.

58. Allergen training as required
- comments: 2-102. 13 observed the city of chicago food service sanitation managers without the required allergen training certificates. Instructed all city of chicago food service sanitation managers must meet requirement.


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