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North Andover, Massachusetts, United States

Mise à jour:

Intoxication alimentaire présumée. Symptômes : douleurs à l'estomac, crampes, frissons
Source présumée : sandwich Deli ou chili
Début : 12 à 24 heures
Durée : plusieurs jours
Malade : Moi  | Symptômes: Douleur d'estomac, Crampes, Frissons

#marketbasket #northandover #massachusetts #us #chili #sandwich

Bol de poulet, crème sure au riz brun, queso Je me sens toujours malade, mal à la tête, la peau sur le cuir chevelu fait mal. C'est arrivé hier soir de minuit à 8 heures ce matin. ,  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Nausée, Vomissements, Maux, Transpiration, Douleur corporelle

#chipotlemexicangrill #northandover #massachusetts #us #chicken #cream #icecream #rice #sourcream #brownrice #chickenbowl #bowl

8/15 - J'ai mangé une commande de frites de poulet et je suis plus malade que je ne l'ai jamais ressenti 8 heures plus tard. Sérieusement, j'ai presque vu Dieu entre les vomissements et la diarrhée  | Symptômes: Nausée, Diarrhée, Vomissements

#burgerking #northandover #massachusetts #us #chicken #fries

Salade de fruits de mer ou chaudrée de poisson A commencé à se sentir malade vers 19h10 vers minuit n'a pas commencé à se sentir mieux avant samedi vers midi
Vendredi soir tôt samedi matin  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Nausée

#northandover #massachusetts #us #fish #salad #seafood

Pizza - My sister and I both got sick and we had eaten the exact same thing, just pizza and a cannoli from there, nothing else all day. We ate at about 4-5pm and she felt nauseous at around 8 and threw up at 9. She threw … Voir plus
up at 1:10am,1:43, and 2:17. I didn’t start feeling sick until about 10-11pm and threw up at 1:45am  | Symptômes: Nausée, Vomissements
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#northandover #massachusetts #us #pizza

Friday night around 900 pm.Bought a chicken bowl (salad) I was eating it as I was half way done a really rancid taste came into my mouth as I bit into a piece of chicken (I think) I told the people I was with to excuse me … Voir plus
but I had to spit something out of my mouth into a napkin. I began to finish my food. Went home went to sleep early in the morning I was awakened to nausea stomach and pain. I didnt feel fluish just something was really off in my stomach. About 15 minutes later I ran to the bathroom. I was hoping and praying I wasnt going to throw up. I ended up with severe diarrhea. I must have gone at least 15 x.I slept most of the day. That same night. In the middle of it I was awakened to a unsettling of my stomach got up to go to the bathroom and started to feel like I was going to faint. Had severe water diarrhea.screamed for my husband he immediately got me coconut water and cold cloths. It was a scary night. I kept going about another 10 x . Soooo sickHavent eaten much except bananas toast and orzo for the past few days. Cant even think about stepping into a chipotle again after what I went through  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Nausée
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#chipotlemexicangrill #northandover #massachusetts #us #chicken #salad #chickenbowl #bowl #toast


Fuddruckers, Turnpike Street, North Andover, MA, USA

il y a 5 ans reported by user-qzrgt246

Picked up for lunch Friday and ate the from the toppings over the next couple days since I had grabbed a good amount. The only one in family who did eat the toppings. I was the only one who got sick  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Fièvre, Nausée, Vomissements

#fuddruckers #northandover #massachusetts #us

Les 30 derniers jours