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Rapports de sécurité alimentaire: Manassas, Virginia, United States

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Eating here and another location So me and my wife and other family members order burgers, got diarrhea same night and others next day. Also, my parents got food from here same day we bought burger kind next day diarrhea and nausea. Still feeling symptoms.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Nausée, Vomissements

#wendys #manassas #virginia #us #burger

Ate a big chicken sandwich with fries 4 hours ago now have diarrhoea stomach ache and sweating a lot. I saw someone inside the restaurant throw chicken patties in the bin..  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Transpiration, Douleur d'estomac

#checkers #manassas #virginia #us #poulet #frites #sandwich #sandwichaupoulet

The beyond breakfast sandwich, hashbrowns or iced coffee  My stomach was upset within 20 minutes of finishing my meal and half of my iced coffee. It continued to feel upset, with no other symptoms, until I woke up from a Two hour nap, at 2:30 pm. When… Voir plus

#dunkindonuts #beyondmeat #manassas #virginia #us #café #sandwich

I had two chicken sandwiches in my fridge. I ate one of them the day before and when I got home from school 12/4/19 I ate half of the other, but finished the other half after I got home from our schools first basketball game (around 10:20).… Voir plus

#popeyes #manassas #virginia #us #poulet

Felt fine all day and skipped lunch. Ate bacon chicken sandwich, fries and coke on way home from work around 6pm. Started feeling nauseous around 9pm and began throwing up and having diarrhea every 30 min to hour from 10pm till about 2am. Was exhausted and queasy, but otherwise fine next day.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Nausée, Vomissements

#burgerking #manassas #virginia #us #bacon #poulet #frites #sandwich #coca-cola #sandwichaupoulet

Long line for the new chicken sandwich that just came back. Wife got sick on the sandwich, within 30 minutes of finishing her chicken sandwich, she threw up. Beware, this location can’t handle the influx in business.  | Symptômes: Nausée, Vomissements

#popeyes #manassas #virginia #us #poulet #sandwich #sandwichaupoulet