Nausea After Green Fries - McDonald's, Wanseler Kanton Wolz
1 year ago •reported by user-gjhf5364 • business
30 Bastnicherstrooss, Wanseler, 9638 Kanton Wolz, Luxembourg
Good morningI came to eat at your fast-food restaurant in Pommerloch this noon, after an interminable wait (there seemed to be several problems in the kitchen) I received my menu, the burger did not look like the one I ordered (burger with a slice of potato and bacon) but not knowing the menu I thought that it was probably me who had looked the wrong way,
Also, some fries on my menu were green! Obviously I didn't eat them.
2 hours after returning home, I was nauseous to finally vomit all my meal, and then severe stomach cramps accompanied me until diarrhea arrived...
I think that a food that is not fresh must have been on my menu, and I find that unacceptable, it could have happened to other people who are much more fragile...
Good for you,
Rosier Louise | Symptoms: Nausea, Diarrhea, Vomiting, Cramps