Hodgson Mill All-Purpose White Wheat Flour recalled due to E. coli concerns
5 years ago •source fda.gov
Recall notice
United States
FDA published a voluntary recall of Unbleached All-Purpose White Wheat Flour products by Hodgson Mill as they might be contaminated with E. coli. There have been no illnesses linked to this recall to date.CDC advises consumers not to consume raw flour or uncooked raw dough. The company advises consumers to stop using this product immediately and return them to the place of purchase for a full refund. The recalled product was distributed nationwide.
- Unbleached All-Purpose White Wheat Flour (5 lb.) UPC 0-71518-05009-2 Best By Date 10-01-2020 and 10-02-2020 with lot codes listed Lot# 001042 & 005517
Only the products with theses best by dates and lot codes are part of this recall. To access the full recall notice visit the FDA website www.fda.gov/safety/recalls-market-withdrawals-safety-alerts/hodgson-mill-issues-voluntary-recall-unbleached-all-purpose-white-wheat-flour-due-potential-presence
Source: FDA