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Rapports de sécurité alimentaire: Bangor, Maine, United States

Mise à jour:

Restauration rapide. J'ai mangé un sandwich au poulet croustillant BBQ avec de la mayo, de la laitue et de la tomate ; un grand nombre de bâtonnets de mozzarella avec de la marinara ; une rondelle d'oignon moyenne avec de la moutarde au miel et une boisson… Voir plus

#burgerking #bangor #maine #us #bbq #chicken #fastfood #fruit #honey #lettuce #onion #sandwich #tomato #mayo #chickensandwich #mustard #mozzarellasticks

Guacamole. La seule chose qu'elle a mangé toute la journée était au déjeuner autour de 2h30 - 3h30 elle a reçu une commande de chips, grand guacamole et un petit queso. J'ai eu du wueso sur mon burrito et je me sens parfaitement bien. Elle vomit violemment… Voir plus

#chipotlemexicangrill #bangor #maine #us #burrito #chips #guacamole

I ordered two chicken sandwiches, after eating the first one I started feeling nauseous and started shaking and had to pull over, then I threw up the chicken sandwich violently. I had to give the other chicken sandwich to my dog and she didn’t even want to… Voir plus

#chickfila #bangor #maine #us #chicken #sandwich #chickensandwich

I ate 2 cans of cooked Chef Boyardee Throwback Recipe Lasagna at about 2:00 AM today and vomited and had diarrhea at about 8:00 AM. I'm the only victim, and I started feeling ill at about 07:45
By the way, I bought that food on April 14  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Nausée, Vomissements

#chefboyardee #dollartree #bangor #maine #us #chefboyardee

Ate food there Friday. I am on a strict diet and follow keto for my lupus. I was coming off a normal fast for me. I contracted salmonella, found out after dr visit.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Nausée, Vomissements

#chipotlemexicangrill #bangor #maine #us #salmonella


Chick-fil-A Bangor, Stillwater Avenue, Bangor, ME, USA

il y a 4 ans reported by user-hptmy192 détails

Never had an issue before but went in for lunch yesterday and an hour later while grocery shopping started experiencing horrible stomach cramps and had diarrhea. It’s over 24 hours later and I’m still experiencing cramps on and off and watery diarrhea  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Nausée, Crampes

#chickfila #bangor #maine #us


Chick-fil-A Bangor, Stillwater Avenue, Bangor, Maine, USA

il y a 4 ans reported by user-Instabot user 204192583 détails

My daughter was on vacation, and she ate there And was sick for a week after. She had bad diarrhea and stomach cramps along with her boyfriend, 30 mins after they ate, they both got violently ill, 2 got sick, my daughter and her boyfriend  | Symptômes: Nausée, Diarrhée, Crampes

#chickfila #bangor #maine #us

Les 30 derniers jours