London Road,
RH10 8LR
United Kingdom
I visited nandos crawley, West Sussex for the first time and ordered a 1/2 chicken with rice and peas at about 3pm. Hours later I started to feel a bit sick but thought nothing of it. Woke up the next day, went to work and at about 11am I had to rush to the toilet and I was violently sick with diarrhoea. I rushed home as I could tell it wasn't over and for the next 15 hours or so I was constantly throwing up, had severe diarrhoea and had extreme stomach pains. Took the next day off work but was still in lots of discomfort, the day later (today) I still haven't been sick again but I have the nasty sickness feeling stuck inside my stomach like I am going to spew up at any time. | Symptoms: Diarrhea, Fever, Vomiting, Stomach Pain