Energy Drink Causes Hallucinations - Rainbow Unicorn Bang, Elgin Texas
4 years ago •reported by user-jxrvh481
Elgin, 78621 Texas, United States
Rainbow unicorn bang I took a few sips off of the rainbow unicorn bang, which I drink bang often, and within minutes I was pail, sweating, and vomiting violently to where I couldn't walk. Every move I made was painful and made my stomach turn. I was hallucinating and had to have my husband sit my in front of a fan with a bucket on the bed trying to keep my hydrated as best as possible. It felt like I was going to die. I was in bed for two days. My husband later drank some of his and he is now sick, not quite like I was, because he barely took any and realized that was what was making me sick. | Symptoms: Vomiting, Sweating