D Japan, Kyoto, Minami Ward, Nishikujo Toriiguchicho, 1 ケンタッキーフライドチキンイオンモールKYOTO店 4年前 •reported by user-dgkrd114 • 细节 跟随 嵌入报告 复制链接 报告问题 Ate at 8.30pm last night. Couldn’t sleep well through the night and then in the early hours of the morning was fighting off the need to throw up. Then it all happened - diarrhoea and vomiting. Spent the whole day in the hotel room on the toilet.… 更多 # # #japan #鸡 #鸡肉条 5 有帮助 跟随 添加报告 分享 复制链接