食品安全报告: Town & Country Kitchen, Norton, 67654 Kansas, United States 最新报告: 2019年12月7日 晚上 7点56分 #norton #kansas #unitedstates
N Town & Country Kitchen, Norton, KS, USA 5年前 •reported by user-nmnx1284 • 细节 跟随 嵌入报告 复制链接 报告问题 Food, Me and my mother ate breakfast there and we've both noticed something was off about out food but we didn't put 2 in 2 together. | 症状: 腹泻, 弱点, 头晕, 寒战 #norton #kansas #unitedstates 2 有帮助 跟随 添加报告 分享 复制链接