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Osaka Sushi & Habachi

9年前 reported by user-qqyjy488

Osaka Sushi & Habachi
Yes, there's a sushi restaurant in Fargo. Yes, I was dumb enough to dine there. First, I got food poisoning one other time in my life in Brazil 1983 from a fried sea urgent and spider monkey pate daiquiri, but that was just crazy Enriqiue and his brothers clowning around on a Peace Corps reunion. I was also pretty sick in Morocco 88' after some suspect curry boiled iguana substuting last minute for some garbanzo beans and chicken livers sautéed in camel blood vinaigrette. I'm rambling. Back to the matter - the second most embarrassing moments if my life - after Bankok 1990. More About that later. Osaka - Fargo - 2015. I ordered avocado Maki. It smelt alright I guess, maybe a little off, but I'm not going to complain - this is from a guy that gained 40 pounds one summer while feasting on disgarded shrimp scampi from a Red Lobster dumpster in Fort Worth. I think that was 93'. Anyways, avocado Maki. After the meal I was snacking on some ginger and suddenly felt a tug on my insides. I made a semi-obvious 'concerned' effort to the restroom and, well, all I can say is I'm absolutely, unequivocally, positive the culprit of my agony was the avocado Maki. The only unearthly and cosmic possibility was the corn chowder from the truck stop or the impossible chance it was my own gumbo recipe I made last weekend as evidenced by some tiny, adorable bits of celery and green bell pepper I detected in the corner of my eye. With hindsight, I don't know why I forgot to flush, I think it wasn't the shock of it all. I cleaned up the best I could, paid my bill, left a $6 tip on a $24 bill and was determined to forget about the whole thing. Great, I lock my keys in the car, so call a locksmith and wait it out on the curb for the guy to show up. My stomach is rumbling again, and I start to panic. Suddenly, a car pulls up and a guy with a suit approaches me with an envelope. He served me. Was this because that stupid 8-year old kid on the swing set in his front yard that I barely 'brushed' with my vehicle after I had like 2, maybe 4-5 drinks at the very most. Why would you put a swing set even near a curb? It was like only 60 feet away. OMG. It takes like one second after I popped the curb to hit the swing set. How safe is that mom & dad? Yeah, nice job. Plus, who's this kid's dad? Toughen up a little. he bounced off the car like 15 feet - 25 max. People do it all the time. It's basically jumping. Part of the swing set broke off and pierced his arm. It went in like two inches. Big deal. It barely fractured the bone. 155 stitches? Yeah, right. Baby stitches maybe. It's like, why buy your kid a swing set that basically explodes when a car grazes it. Why raise a kid to be soft? Why would a doctor put that many stitches in a kid's arm when it probably needed like 50. It's so much drama. Back to the Maki. I opened the envelope and was fairly happy to see it wasn't about the boy. It was my dad suing me for damages to his home, car, and treasured belongings. OMG! Yeah, right! It said I was being sued to return his Navy Cross and Medal of Honor from Iwo Jima? Yeah, Ok dad, you're so awesome. Mr. Awesome has to have his way. Who cares about some stupid medals? It's like s hundred years ago. I gave them to a guy for $20. What's the big deal? Do I get some drinks at the club or stare at some stupid medals in a case? Uh, yeeaaahhh, it's Par-Tay time. He's going to die, like, super soon anyways. Who cares? He's like 90. He doesn't party or have bros or anything. He just like sits there and reads books and writes and stuff. Why dude? What a waste of time. He goes on walks with my mom in the park? Why bro? What a loser. He's so lame. So, I was sitting on the curb and somebody runs out of the restaurant and yells that someone destroyed the bathroom. I didn't say it was me, but I felt bad for the people that had to clean it up. I had nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. My body aches. I'm not feeling so well right now. If you made it this far, as I have, goodbye my friend. Sleep well, and forget me now. _x000D_ | 症状: 腹泻, 恶心, 发烧, 呕吐

#avocado #chicken #corn #lobster #pepper #shrimp #sushi #scampi #ginger


由于未申报存在小麦、亚硫酸盐和大豆,Le Cartet Inc.已宣布召回各种产品。此次召回是与MAPAQ和蒙特利尔市食品检验部合作宣布的。受此警告的产品仅在位于加拿大魁北克省蒙特利尔麦吉尔街106号的Le Cartet inc. 公司出售。截至目前,尚未向MAPAQ报告与食用这些食物相关的过敏反应病例。

受影响的产品包括 “鸡肉炒饭”(350g)、“金枪鱼塔塔基藜麦沙拉”(450g)、“塔塔酱蟹饼烤蔬菜”(400g)和 “照烧鸡肉沙拉”(325g)。所有这些产品都包含在召回中。这些产品以塑料容器出售并冷藏。包括标签在内的所有批次均未提及过敏原的存在。




#montreal #quebec #ca #allergen

我一周内从这个地方两次出现食物中毒。我受不了了。需要有人去调查。上周日的 23:00 到 4:30 之间,我跑过马路过马路,想从这个地方快速吃点东西,比如三明治或鸡肉卷饼,事情发生了,今天也发生了。我受不了了。

#timhortons #brampton #ontario #ca #chicken #sandwich #wrap

我在 2024 年 4 月 7 日在 fogo de chao 吃了午饭。大约在吃完饭的三分之四的时候我开始感到恶心。自从离开餐厅以来,我一直因严重的胃痉挛而下厕所。  | 症状: 恶心, 腹泻, 呕吐, 胃痛, 抽筋

#glenallen #virginia #us

我 3 岁的孩子在卡夫喷气式飞机上从塞拉维斯塔购物中心的目标处膨化了 16 盎司的迷你棉花糖,吃完后不久他开始呕吐了好几次,后来出现腹泻,这似乎与食物中毒有关  | 症状: 腹泻, 呕吐

#kraft #jetpuffedmarshmallows #target #clovis #california #us #kraft

我订购了阿罗哈菠萝冰沙。我在一小时内喝了大约半杯,出现了发烧和偏头痛伴有恶心。我最终呕吐了,服用非甾体抗炎药后我的头痛和发烧减轻了。从那以后我就一直在喝水,整天(中午左右购买了 Jamba Juice)我一直无法控制任何东西。我会恶心一会然后我最终呕吐了一会儿感觉好多了。

#jambajuice #gardena #california #us #juice #pineapple

Marks & Spencer 正在召回 M&S Plant Kitchen 蘑菇派,因为它含有标签上未提及的大豆。这意味着该产品对任何对大豆过敏的人都可能构成健康风险。该产品在英国全国范围内分销。

产品名称:M&S Plant Kitchen 蘑菇派,包装尺寸:(200g),使用期限:2024 年 4 月 12 日、2024 年 4 月 16 日、2024 年 4 月 18 日、2024 年 4 月 22 日。



公司名称:Marks & Spencer
产品召回:M&S Plant Kitchen 蘑菇派
FSA 召回日期:2024 年 4 月 … 查看更多

#allergicreaction #gb #allergen

疑似来源:好市多的亚洲饺子。Al Vapor
发作:4 到 12 小时
时长:12 到 24 小时
附加信息:Al vapor Dumplings。过去 8 个小时腹泻太可怕了。昨天(4 月 24 日)下午 2 点消费了。腹泻从晚上 8:30 开始。今天 4 月 26 日上午 11:30 还有

#costco #fairfax #virginia #us #asian #dumplings

大约 5 小时前不确定我从非营利组织食品配送计划 Homestretch 那里得到了这些饼干,我吃了大约 4 块饼干之后感觉不舒服。吃完女童子军饼干之后我以前从未有过这样的感觉。我已经吐了 3 次了。还是感觉不舒服。  | 症状: 呕吐, 恶心

#fallschurch #virginia #us

过去 30 天