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Rapports de sécurité alimentaire: Surrey, British Columbia, Canada

Mise à jour:


Nando's Guildford, 15190 101 Avenue, Surrey, BC, Canada

il y a 4 ans reported by user-brrfy469 détails

Ate their 1/2 chicken, coleslaw and hummus yesterday evening. A few hours later had painful diarrhea, shakes, sweats and vomited the last of their food from my stomach.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Nausée, Vomissements, Transpiration

#nandos #surrey #britishcolumbia #ca #poulet #hoummous #saladedechou


Ocean Park Pizza, 16 Avenue, Surrey, BC, Canada

il y a 4 ans reported by user-tqcrz757 détails

First time was spaghetti in dec and this time now was fish, both from there, the other person I was with got tested and it was salmonella  First time it took a couple of months to get over, this time it has just started  | Symptômes: Diarrhée

#surrey #britishcolumbia #ca #salmonella #poisson #spaghettis

I ate the Emperor Roll(BBQ eel, salmon, cucumber, avocado inside, outside with soy bean paper & unagi sauce) and a heineken beer (out of the bottle)  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Nausée, Vomissements

#surrey #britishcolumbia #ca #avocat #barbecue #saumon #haricot #rouleau #soja


McDonald's, Scott Road, Surrey, BC, Canada

il y a 4 ans reported by user-yqnx1584 détails

I ordered a McDouble meal for myself and a hamburger for my 2 year old daughter. About an hour after eating it we both started having stomach Pains then throwing up along with diarrhea.     | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Nausée, Vomissements, Douleur d'estomac

#mcdonalds #surrey #britishcolumbia #ca #hamburger

Husband, 2 children and I (wife) got very ill last week: nausea, extreme stomach cramping, fever, and diarrhea. Just caught word that there is an ecoli warning for lettuce from California. We have lettuce from California, it is now chucked, but thought I would report it. Potentially… Voir plus

#safeway #surrey #britishcolumbia #ca #laitue


Subway, 152 Street, Surrey, BC, Canada

il y a 4 ans reported by user-xrmf5776 détails

I was today for lunch getting my usual chicken bacon ranch melt but after I got home from school I noticed that something was up. My normal schedule is extremely busy as I normally have to wake up at 5:30am and got home at 9pm. After I… Voir plus

#subway #surrey #britishcolumbia #ca #bacon #poulet #tomate

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