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Rapport par

Rapports de sécurité alimentaire: Krung Thep Maha Nakhon, Thailand

Mise à jour:

J'ai pris un sandwich au mcchicken. 4 heures plus tard, j'ai ressenti des étourdissements, des maux de tête et des maladies. J'ai ensuite continué d'être malade et de diareah  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Fièvre, Nausée, Vomissements, Maux, Vertiges

#mcdonalds #krungthepmahanakhon #th #mcchicken #sandwich

Four times now I have had vomitting and diarrhea after eating an omlette from here. At first i was willing to write it off as coincidence, but after a couple of months break I started eating here again this week, and yesterday fell sick after eating from the omlette stall.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Vomissements

#krungthepmahanakhon #th


KFC, Bukkhalo, Thon Buri, Bangkok 10600, Thailand

il y a 6 ans reported by user-rvzgh266 détails

Today ate chicken and fries there, diarrhea started hour later.... no more KFC in Thailand , before I was there taking only coffe and ice cream which was good, but personal is rude also....  | Symptômes: Diarrhée

#kfc #krungthepmahanakhon #th #chicken #cream #fries #icecream


La note de McThai Co. , Ltd., Bangkok, Thaïlande

il y a 7 ans reported by user-bmnpm214 détails

Je suis arrivé à Bangkok kao San Road vers 2 heures du matin le 24 avril 2017. Ayant voyagé pendant 19 heures, je voulais de la nourriture occidentale. Je suis entré dans la branche et j'ai commandé un hamburger au bœuf avec du fromage. Après avoir mâché,… Voir plus

#undercooked #raw #blood #krungthepmahanakhon #th #e.coli #beef #burger #cheese #beefburger #meat


Starbucks Bangkok Thailand

il y a 7 ans reported by user-xypf9927 détails

Had a Caramel Frappacino Grande - and a croissant. Got sick, came down with a fever, doctor said contaminated drinkfood caused it, 3 days later i spent 400$ (allot for thailand) on a hospital and lost a big portion of my trip. Woof... stick to evian bottles… Voir plus

#krungthepmahanakhon #th #norovirus #croissant


Terminal 21 Soi Sukhumvit 19 Bangkok Thailand

il y a 7 ans reported by user-ggmz1588 détails

Salmonella symptoms occur between 12 hours and 48 hours. I ordered from the Chicken Massaman shop at Terminal 21 Food Court. It came with sliced tomato and cucumber on the side. The tomato and cumcumber definitely tasted off. I was cronically ill 18 hours after that meal… Voir plus

#krungthepmahanakhon #th #salmonella #chicken #foodcourt #salad #tomato

Les 30 derniers jours