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Rapports de sécurité alimentaire: Redding, California, United States

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J'étais le seul de la maison à avoir mangé du pain au fromage farci à la feta et aux épinards. Quelques heures plus tard, j'ai eu d'horribles douleurs à l'estomac le matin, je vomissais vicieusement. La pire douleur musculaire de ma vie, frissons, pâleur, transpiration. J'en suis… Voir plus

#dominospizza #redding #california #us #pain #fromage #épinards #feta

I had a chicken burrito with black beans, white rice, pico, corn, sour cream, lettuce, and cheese. My symptoms started almost 24 hours after I ate there which was around 10:00 at night. It lasted for about a day and a half until I wasn’t feeling nauseous any more.  | Symptômes: Fièvre, Nausée, Vomissements

#chipotlemexicangrill #redding #california #us #burrito #fromage #poulet #maïs #crème #laitue #riz #crèmesure #burritoaupoulet #haricotsnoirs

I ate the halibut special, and the fish was like leather, obviously old. I was ill within the hour with feverish feeling and nausea, and burning sensations in my mouth and throat. I had burning all through the digestive tract and very intense diarrhea into the next day.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Nausée

#redding #california #us #poisson #halibut

I had an açaí primo energy bowl and a kale-ribbean breeze smoothie.. only an hour after I ate.. I vomited and had diarrhea for about 2 hours straight! Still feeling queasy and trying to sleep it off. Not happy  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Nausée, Vomissements

#jambajuice #redding #california #us #bol

Had my husband pick me up dinner while I was at work. It was around 9pm on Saturday night. I for the 4 for 4 with a jr bacon cheeseburger and an extra jr bacon on the side. About an hour after eating I felt extremely nauseas.… Voir plus

#wendys #redding #california #us #bacon #cheeseburger

Manger les fringales boîte de 5 dollars et cette nuit-là, les crampes se sont couchées et se sont réveillées en transpirant. J'ai commencé les deux bouts et j'ai dû dormir dans la salle de bain, j'ai dû appeler au travail aussi.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Fièvre, Nausée, Vomissements, Crampes, Transpiration

#tacobell #redding #california #us

ordered a medium peperoni, ham, and Italian sausage pizza and garlic twists and I got sick around 5 hours later. My friend previously ordered their cinnamon twists and got sick as well.

#dominospizza #redding #california #us #cannelle #italien #pizza #saucisse #jambon #ail

Purchased cooked whole chicken for a easy dinner option. About 1-2am awoke to sudden urge to do avowed movement. At approximately 5am. I was severely ill. Now three days later I'm beginning to feel a bit better. Severe cramping.excessive trips to the toilet with diarrhea head and… Voir plus

#costco #blood #redding #california #us #poulet