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Rapports de sécurité alimentaire: Dearborn, Michigan, United States

Mise à jour:

Rapports récents

Ate food from a Chinese Food restaurant, I ordered almond chicken combo which includes chicken fried rice and vegetables and chicken breast fillets. 1 1/2 hours after eating, my stomach started cramping, I became nauseated and nearly defacated on myself. I was up all night with diarrhea,… Voir plus

#nuts #dearbornheights #michigan #us #brocoli #poulet #chinois #maïs #rizfrit #riz #poitrinedepoulet #pouletfrit

Myself and two children had pizza for dinner this was the only meal we ate together because of my work schedule..... 20 maybe 30 mins after my daughter rushed to the bathroom vomiting, 2 seconds later my 3 year old is screaming I gotta poo and sooo… Voir plus

#papajohns #dearbornheights #michigan #us #hôpital #pizza

Purchase 3 cases of krogers water. I thought it would a great idea to start drinking water on an empty stomach first in the morning. The first morning I started with drinking 16oz of water. Since then upper back area has been acnes with pain. I been… Voir plus

#kroger #dearborn #michigan #us

I ate dinner around 730pm. I had snow crab legs, Caesar salad, baked potato, broccoli, & biscuits. At 900pm I had forceful vomiting of my whole meal which followed with water diarrhea. I continued to have these symptoms all night and the next day. It is now… Voir plus

#redlobster #dearbornheights #michigan #us #cuit #brocoli #crabe #patate #salade #saladecésar

I drank my acai berry boost and about an hour later I was feeling very full,then nauseous and then the vomiting and diarrhea started and even now 12 hours later I can’t even drink a sip of water W out violently throwing up and dry heaving because… Voir plus

#tropicalsmoothiecafe #dearborn #michigan #us

Il y a deux jours, j'ai mangé un sandwich au café et au petit-déjeuner de Tim Hortons. La semaine précédente, j'ai mangé la même chose d'un autre endroit. Les mêmes problèmes se produisent chaque fois que je mange chez Tim Hortons depuis deux semaines maintenant. C'est la… Voir plus

#timhortons #dearborn #michigan #us #café #sandwich