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Rapports de sécurité alimentaire: Sioux Falls, South Dakota, United States

Mise à jour:


Hardee's, South Minnesota Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD, USA

il y a 5 ans reported by user-qfwy4194 détails

I ate 2 bacon and cheese thickburgers from the Hardee's on South Minnesota. Then I ate some creme pie from Walmart off of Minnesota and 85th. Before that I ate at Costco earlier in the day. I don't know what made me sick, but my 2nd burger from Hardee's tasted a little funny.  | Symptômes: Fièvre, Nausée, Vomissements

#hardees #siouxfalls #southdakota #us #bacon #burger #fromage


IHOP, West 41st Street, Sioux Falls, SD, USA

il y a 5 ans reported by user-rvpj5942 détails

My family and I went to IHOP on Sunday, December 16 at 10 AM. I ordered the scrambler that had salsa and avocados on top of scrambled eggs with hash browns. The rest of the family had burgers and fries, and cream cheese crepes. Around 2 pm… Voir plus

#ihop #siouxfalls #southdakota #us #euh #fromage #crème #frites #salsa #œufsbrouillés

2 personnes malades. Les deux ont mangé un hamburger acheté 10/10/18. Les deux personnes ont eu de la diarrhée. Une personne est toujours malade après 4 jours de fièvre, de frissons et de diarrhée.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Fièvre, Frissons

#samsclub #siouxfalls #southdakota #us #hamburger


Subway, Louise Ave, Sioux Falls, SD, USA

il y a 5 ans reported by user-fjwnm193 détails

I went in around 5:30 pm to Walmart on 41st and Louise Ave. Sioux Falls SD and ordered a Turkey Bacon footlong sub. Ate half of the sandwich and went to a movie. Stomach started turning around 8 and I got home and decided to lay down.… Voir plus

#subway #siouxfalls #southdakota #us #bacon #sandwich #sous-catégorie #turquie


Arby's, North Cliff Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD, USA

il y a 5 ans reported by user-hmkhg867 détails

I went through the drive through and ordered a 4 peice mozzarella stick and to beef and cheddar sandwiches. It took 15 minutes to get my food. I left. I started with the mozzarella sticks, they tasted fine but by the 3rd one I was feeling a… Voir plus

#arbys #siouxfalls #southdakota #us #boeuf #cheddar #sandwich #bâtonnetsdemozzarella


Panera Bread, South Louise Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD, USA

il y a 5 ans reported by user-kbqh3338 détails

Ate a SW Chile Lime Salad with NO chicken or avocado and had extra quinoa blend on it. Within 30 minutes explosive, straight liquid diarrhea. Have been absolutely filling toilet for last 10 hours.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée

#panerabread #siouxfalls #southdakota #us #avocat #poulet #chili #salade

Everyone who ate the pizza last night is now vomiting and has excessive diarrhea. Those who did not are fine. It’s not hard to figure out what happened.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Fièvre, Nausée, Vomissements

#papajohns #siouxfalls #southdakota #us #pizza

Les 30 derniers jours