Severe Gastric Symptoms After Drink - Agua de Sandía, Sayulita Nayarit
1 year ago •reported by user-wgrdw579
Sayulita, 63728 Nayarit, Mexico
On Thursday, went on a boat tour with ally cat tours that included food and drinks. All was great. Swam and accidentally swallowed ocean water. Got back into town and had a sandia agua fresca from a street vendor. Few hours later woke from a short nap with diarrhea and vomiting. Couldn’t eat that night. Had a fever for several hours. Woke up the next day with diarrhea and severe gas when I consumed even the slightest of electrolytes. Have had cramping in my stomach since (it’s Saturday now and back in US)Severe gas after consuming any food or drink and it smells rotten. I am barely consuming food due to the pain. | Symptoms: Diarrhea, Vomiting, Fever, Gas, Cramps