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Informes de seguridad alimentaria: Tokyo, Japan


My girlfriend got violently ill after eating only 3 oysters from their dinner menu. We went to bed quickly after this and she woke up very sick.  | Síntomas: Vómitos, Náusea, Fiebre, Diarrea

#minatocity #tokyoto #jp #oysters

Tourists came to the restaurant on Wednesday, April 17 for dinner around 7pm. We enjoyed the food but by 10pm I was very sick. I had a number 1. My husband had something different. Nothing was even digested when it came up. Vomiting lasted 4 hours. Diarrhea going on 20 hours  | Síntomas: Diarrea, Náusea, Vómitos

#toshimacity #tokyoto #jp

Had late night izakaya here at 10pm last night. Ordered the pig intestine skewers, the fried chicken wings, the grilled octopus, beef tendon stew and a handle of Asahi. I washed my hands before eating and woke up this morning with diarrhea and puking. My energy is… Ver más

#shinjukucity #tokyo #jp #beef #chicken #wings #chickenwings #friedchicken


Delta Airlines, vuelo DL6 Tokio (Haneda) a LAX

hace 5 años reported by user-Instabot user 191648751 detalles

Desayuno opción Frittata en Delta DL6 de Tokio Haneda a LAX, vuelo llegó a LAX esta mañana alrededor de las 12:30pm, una hora después de haber comido tuve dolor de cabeza luego náuseas, malestar general, sudoración, hormigueo, debilidad  | Síntomas: Vómitos, Fiebre, Náusea, Debilidad, Cefalea, Sudoración

#deltaairlines #airlines #otacity #tokyo #jp

I ordered chicken nuggets with fries and cola zero at 17 Oktober around 1700. Only meal I ate for the day. Got sick around 0200 18 oktober. Woke up feeling a fever and having to go to the bathroom. Once I got up I could barely stand… Ver más

#burgerking #shinjukucity #tokyoto #jp #chicken #fries #chickennuggets

I ate noodles with seafood (seaweed and shells) at 12:45. I began to feel sick and went back to the hotel. I slept and woke up at 6 PM. I went to the bathroom and had diarrhea and vomited everything. Feeling very sick.  | Síntomas: Diarrea, Náusea, Vómitos

#shibuyacity #tokyoto #jp #seafood

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