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Informes de seguridad alimentaria: Sparks, Nevada, United States


Reportes Recientes

Alrededor de una hora después de comer - náuseas severas seguidas de vomitar mis tripas. Siéntete mejor después de vomitar todo, pero aún teniendo pequeñas olas de náuseas. Vómito hizo que mi cabeza fuera un dolor en el pecho también.  | Síntomas: Náusea, Vómitos, Cefalea, Dolor en el cuerpo

#tacobell #sparks #nevada #us

Como en mi coche a veces debido a mi apretado horario así que anoche después del trabajo alrededor de las 8 pm pedí una hamburguesa doble del queso con salsa extra y por lo general los divido por la mitad, la hamburguesa inferior se cocinó bien sin… Ver más

#deltaco #sparks #nevada #us #hamburguesaconqueso

Had this for the first time yesterday. I got a poke bowl with octopus, spicy tuna, and tofu with brown rice and mixed greens. Got a bunch of stuff for toppings etc etc And it tasted great. about 4 hours after eating this I was Regretting this… Ver más

#raw #sparks #nevada #us #arroz #camarones #atún #arrozintegral #cuenco #empuja

My mom and I went there and we got carne asada fries. When we started eating it we noticed that the fries were raw fries. We told the employees and when we they gave it back to us hot they were same ones they just reheated it.… Ver más

#raw #sparks #nevada #us #patatasfritas

Went to dinner with my wife. Had to return chips and salsa due to a disgusting flavor. Had a side of mac and cheese. Got home and within an hour my wife and I became very ill. We are both now bed ridden and making frequent trips to the bathroom to vomit or diarrhea. Visit was 3/7/2020 6:00 pm  | Síntomas: Diarrea, Náusea, Vómitos

#buffalowildwings #sparks #nevada #us #queso #patatasfritas #salsa

Stopped by this location and ordered a poke bowl with white rice, tuna, shrimp, and salmon. I also got masago, creamy miso sauce, crab salad, cucumbers, and wonton chips. Within a few hours I started feeling really sick. I didn't think much of it so I just… Ver más

#sparks #nevada #us #patatasfritas #cangrejo #arroz #ensalada #salmón #camarones #atún #cuenco #empuja

Impossible burger, I ate one for the first time at 7:00pm last night. By 10pm I was full of acid reflux, abdominal pain and vomited profusely. I still feel nauseous now  | Síntomas: Náusea, Vómitos, Dolor de estómago, Reflujo ácido

#burgerking #sparks #nevada #us #hamburguesa

Ordered a jalepono thickburger around 11am yesterday. 11/30/19. Felt off all day until about 6:30-7pm when I begin throwing up and bad diahrea. Lasted all the way in to the next morning when I was finally able to keep water down.  | Síntomas: Diarrea, Náusea, Vómitos

#carlsjr #sparks #nevada #us