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Informes de seguridad alimentaria: Hibachi


Reportes Recientes

19 hours later after eating, a little bit of each: orange chicken (was not very hot in temperature), chicken with broccoli, mushrooms, fried rice, salad, chicken wings I developed diarrhea. I think it was the salad because my friend didn't eat that. I was also burping a… Ver más

#hibachi #hibachigrill #cicero #illinois #us #brócoli #pollo #arrozfrito #arroz #ensalada #alas #alitasdepollo #naranja

Upon several occasions several people and myself experienced diarrhea from this restaurant. We all eat at hibachi table and the only things ate in common is soup, salad, rice, and mushrooms. I believe we have narrowed it down to the mushrooms causing it but could be wrong.  | Síntomas: Diarrea

#hibachi #hibachigrill #indianapolis #indiana #us #arroz #ensalada #sopa

Soup, ginger salad, Chirashi bowl (sushi), and Steak hibachi. Had diarrhea twice before I even left the restaurant, then every 30 min since I've been home. Five times so far this evening.  | Síntomas: Diarrea

#hibachi #hibachigrill #portage #michigan #us #ensalada #sopa #filete #sushi #cuenco #jengibre

Had the spicy combo sushi rolls around 5 pm with a Cabernet Sav. Didn't eat or drink anything else all night except water. Woke up around 230 am and was very sick.  | Síntomas: Diarrea, Vómitos

#hibachi #hibachigrill #pensacola #florida #us #sushi

We took our son out for Hibachi for his birthday, as this is a restaurant we typically love to go to, we are not sure what made my wife and I sick exactly but I think it may have been the salad, as my wife and I… Ver más

#hibachi #hibachigrill #stonybrook #newyork #us #ensalada

Symptom started last night 9-24-2017 a little upset stomach did not think much of it. Woke up the next morning (today) that's when the illness started. I ate chicken on a stick, honey chicken, broccoli chicken, steak, green beans, fried rice, steamed rice, sugar biscuit, and 2… Ver más

#hibachi #hibachigrill #plainfield #indiana #us #bizcocho #brócoli #pollo #chocolate #crema #arrozfrito #miel #helado #pizza #arroz #filete #azúcar