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Diagnostic: Shigella

Mise à jour:

Le comté de San Diego enquête sur une flambée de Shigella. Au 17 décembre 2021, 46 cas confirmés et 5 cas probables de shigellose ont été signalés, ces cas concernent des personnes en situation d'itinérance, la majorité se trouvant à plusieurs endroits dans le centre de San … Voir plus
Diego et deux cas dans le comté du Nord. Aucune source de l'éclosion n'a actuellement été identifiée.

Les dates de la maladie se situent entre le 16 août et le 21 novembre 2021, les nouveaux cas survenant entre le 15 novembre et le 21 novembre 2021, l'apparition des symptômes pour le dernier cas étant le 27 novembre 2021.

Le comté continue de travailler en étroite collaboration avec la ville de San Diego, les fournisseurs de services régionaux pour les sans-abri et d'autres intervenants pour identifier de nouveaux cas, prévenir les expositions potentielles futures et promouvoir de bonnes précautions d'hygiène et de salubrité.

Si vous présentez des symptômes de shigellose tels que diarrhée (parfois sanglante), fièvre et crampes d'estomac, il est important de le signaler. Il peut aider à détecter et à résoudre les épidémies à un stade précoce et à empêcher que d'autres soient lésés, et il permet une meilleure surveillance.

Pour plus de détails, veuillez consulter :

Source : Comté de San Diego
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#california #us #shigella

Eat Tuna roll from Bento Box. 6/22/20. Got horrendously sick. Violent Diarrhea which turned to blood. Went to hospital, admitted immediately. Had one of the most potent bacterial toxins known - Shiga Toxin. Very dangerous. Also got sick last time we went there. Had Nigiri Sake - Salmon.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Nausée, Tabouret Bloody

#parkridge #illinois #us #shigella #salmon #tuna #roll


Angelo's Burgers, 1050 S Coast Hwy, Oceanside, CA 92054, USA

il y a 4 ans reported by user-twrh9246

On December 25 I ordered Burgers and chicken strips.
In a couple of hours I was throwing up and got really sick over night. I was throwing up and had constant diarrhea. I went to the hospital the next day. I was in so much pain. They … Voir plus
told me I had an infection in my stomach and that it had spread. I went into septic shock. They gave me antibiotic for 5 days intravenously. They said i could have died. Later after testing they discovered that I had contracted Shigellosis, which is:

Shigella germs are in the stool (poop) of sick people while they have diarrhea and for up to a week or two after the diarrhea has gone away. Shigella germs are very contagious; it takes just a small number of Shigella germs to make someone sick. People can get shigellosis when they put something in their mouths or swallow something that has come into contact with the stool of someone else who is sick with shigellosis. People could get sick by:

Getting Shigella germs on their hands and then touching your food or mouth. You can get Shigella germs on your hands after:
Touching surfaces contaminated with germs from stool from a sick person, such as toys, bathroom fixtures, changing tables or diaper pails
Changing the diaper of a sick child or caring for a sick person
Eating food that was prepared by someone who is sick with shigellosis
Swallowing recreational water (for example, lake or river water) while swimming or drinking water that is contaminated with stool (poop) containing the germ
Having exposure to stool during sexual contact with someone who is sick or recently (several weeks) recovered from shigellosis..

It was an aweful experience. I almost died. I highly recommend no eat there. I am reporting it to the health department.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Nausée, Vomissements, Autre
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#oceanside #california #us #shigella #chicken #chickenstrips


Taco Bell Cantina, 500 8th Avenue, New York, NY, États-Unis

il y a 4 ans reported by user-fzrfv677

J'ai commandé via l'application Grubhub le 29/07/19 12:44
combo pizza mexicaine
boîte de fringales chalupa
et un suprême de taco croquant
après avoir mangé ma nourriture, je me suis endormi tout de suite j'ai dormi pendant environ 6 heures quand je me suis réveillé, mes crampes d'estomac … Voir plus
étaient vraiment mauvaises, je me suis dit que c'était peut-être parce que je me suis endormi après avoir mangé, alors peut-être que ma nourriture ne digérait pas correctement, alors j'ai pris du pepto bismol et je me suis rendormi le lendemain 30/07/19 je me suis réveillé et mes douleurs à l'estomac étaient encore pires, j'avais de la fièvre et j'avais des nausées et j'ai commencé à avoir de la diarrhée comme un fou et je pouvais difficilement marcher mon mari suggère que j'aille aux urgences c'était super chaud ce jour-là donc je lui ai dit pas encore c'est trop chaud je vais partir une fois que le soleil se couche et qu'il fait plus frais j'ai attendu jusqu'à environ 19 heures et je sont allés aux urgences, ils ont fait un test sanguin, ont prélevé un échantillon de selles et un échantillon d'urine, et j'ai dû faire un scanner de mon estomac et de mon bassin, après que les médecins regardent mon scanner ils ont vu que j'avais une infection de mes intestins = colite qui est causée par des bactéries au moment où ils ne savaient pas quel type de bactérie parce qu'il faut un quelques jours pour les résultats de mon échantillon de selles, j'ai donc été admise à l'hôpital à 3 heures du matin le 31/07/19. Une fois que mon test d'échantillon de selles est revenu, j'ai découvert que j'avais contracté une intoxication alimentaire due à la bactérie Shigella, qui est difficile à traiter car elle résiste à de nombreux antibiotiques. jusqu'au 08/06/19  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Fièvre, Nausée, Douleur d'estomac, Crampes
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#tacobell #blood #newyork #newyork #us #shigella #mexican #pizza #taco #chalupa


Chick-fil-A, Eastman Avenue, Ventura, CA, USA

il y a 4 ans reported by user-jwdzt645

Saturday early evening on July 20, 2019 Myself age 41, spouse age 50 and daughter age 3 ate for only the 2nd time ever at. We went there because they have a play area and my daughter wanted to play. We ordered her a kids meal chicken … Voir plus
nuggets, fruit and a juice with ranch. I had a spicy chicken sandwich and the fries and a soft drink. My spouse was t hungry and didn’t eat. Fast forward to Wed and I noticed she was a little warm but I thought nothing of it and thought it was due to weather and being outdoors a bit. Thursday was different. She slept a lot (very unlike her) and when she woke up she was burning up. She was given Tylenol and then later checked fever and still close to 100. She threw up and complained of her tummy hurting and she couldn’t/ wouldn’t go to the bathroom. She kept saying it hurt. Next day didn’t go to work to take her to doctor and he tested urine said found blood and pus. Said thought a UTI or some kind of virus gave medication and went home. Later she went diarrhea a lot. Bloody bright red too. Called doctors office very concerned and he called back. He asked us to get a stool sample but then called back and said for us to go to the ER to check her red blood cells. By this time she was very tired, lethargic, diarrhea saying “I don’t like this mommy” over and over. It was heartbreaking. She continued to have blood. Went to ER and again there more diarrhea and blood. They got us in pretty quickly but we had to wait a bit for the doctor. Went in Ventura. Fever still, took blood, waited and waited, did ultrasound and he said things looked ok on ultrasound then later said that he talked to also another doctor and said strain looked like something called Shigella. We got a urine sample and a stool sample which still had blood and just looked terrible. She felt awful. They gave her two injections of an antibiotic that they said would help. Both given at same time in each leg. So painful for her and us as parents. Gave us a prescription and said to watch her hydration and monitor amount of blood in poop. 2 days later they confirmed stool was Shigella. Then the PUBLIC health office called and told us she was the only case in Ventura County that hasn’t traveled. The lady said that another person has it who traveled. We were very scared at this point retracing steps. She continued and continues to have diarrhea. We give her so many fluids and have quarantined her. We are worried and are learning about this diagnosis as we go. Tomorrow we are our primary care again to arrange a test. The Public Health lady said she has to test negative two times. I’m so worried about her kidneys from what I read and if there are long term effects. She is just 3. Spunky and so lovable and we just want her to be better.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Fièvre
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#chickfila #blood #ventura #california #us #shigella #chicken #fries #fruit #juice #sandwich #chickennuggets #chickensandwich


Woolworths, Centurion, Afrique du Sud

il y a 4 ans reported by user-Instabot user 196661097

Deux de mes proches et moi-même avons tous partagé un rôti d'agneau prêt à cuisiner. Dans les 24 heures, j'ai été emmené à l'hôpital dans une ambulance. Les médecins ont découvert que c'était la shigella qui provoquait la dyssébtrie. La seule viande que j'ai mangée cette semaine-là … Voir plus
provenait de woolworths, J'ai été la première à tomber malade. Mon corps est devenu septique à cause de l'infection et j'ai eu une crise en conséquence. Pour moi, il a fallu environ 11 heures avant que les symptômes ne commencent. Douleurs abdominales extrêmes, sang dans les selles, fièvres, etc. Des parents âgés sont tombés malades après 24 heures  | Symptômes: Vomissements, Tabouret Bloody, Douleur d'estomac, Fièvre
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#woolworths #blood #centurion #gauteng #za #shigella #meat

I went with a group of co-workers to this buffet. I was the only one who got hibachi off the grill and I was the only one to get sick. I went to the ER and was tested positive for Shigella  | Symptômes: Diarrhée

#greensboro #northcarolina #us #shigella


KFC, Cheetham Hill Road, Manchester, UK

il y a 5 ans reported by user-gykw1423

I contacted shigella from eating kfc. This was the last thing I ate on Wednesday and I started feeling unwell on Thursday. I now have dysentery, nausea and fever. I have been bed ridden with abdominal cramps. I have taken so much meds and still not relieved yet. I am so angry and in pain.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Fièvre, Nausée, Vomissements, Crampes

#kfc #manchester #england #gb #shigella

Lundi 18 h 26/11/18 Date Red Robin Manteca CA. Wrap burger à la laitue. Vomissements de minuit puis diarrhée. Je suis allé à E R 16 h le mardi. Admis depuis deux jours. 103 fièvre, diarrhée incontrôlable. Organisme Shigella. Antibiotiques IV. Déshydratation sévère. 7 jours d'antibiotiques oraux après la sortie. Récupération  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Fièvre, Nausée, Vomissements, déshydratation

#redrobin #manteca #california #us #shigella #burger #lettuce #wrap

Les 30 derniers jours