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Rapports de sécurité alimentaire: Lansing, Michigan, United States

Mise à jour:

Chaque fois que j'y suis allé. Je finis toujours par la diarrhée. J'y assiste depuis des années n'a jamais eu de problème, mais après le verrouillage, je commence à recevoir beaucoup de diarrhée d'eux  | Symptômes: Diarrhée

#bostonmarket #lansing #michigan #us


Taco Bell, North East Street, Lansing, MI 48906, USA

il y a 3 ans reported by user-hmdvb387 détails

I got leg cramps and they don't seem to stop mini shredded chicken quesadillas I had I ate a chicken quesadilla mini from there shredded only one person that's sick it started a couple of hours after I ate it the only thing really happened is my legs are cramping up really bad  | Symptômes: Crampes

#tacobell #lansing #michigan #us #chicken #quesadilla #chickenquesadillas

J'ai mangé leur porc effiloché le 8/11 et 5 heures plus tard, j'ai commencé à vomir et j'ai eu la diarrhée toute la nuit et je suis toujours très nauséeux avec une migraine. Je n'arrive toujours pas à garder la nourriture et je peux à peine boire de l'eau. Je n'ai rien mangé d'autre le 8/11 en dehors de leur nourriture.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Nausée, Vomissements, Migraine

#lansing #michigan #us #pork #pulledpork

My husband ate the lobster , shrimp and crab cake meal with asparagus  We ate went to the Hilton across from the restaurant went to bed and noticed a few hrs later he threw up in the garbage can and wouldn’t stop and like every hr all… Voir plus

#outbacksteakhouse #lansing #michigan #us #crab #lobster #pasta #shrimp #steak #cake

Started feeling symptoms of nausea and upset stomach around 800pm 3/1/20 and had blackened salmon with cheesy broccoli. I shared all but the broccoli with my husband around 600pm 3/1/20. Stomach continued to be upset and felt like throwing up several times until I could hold it… Voir plus

#applebees #lansing #michigan #us #broccoli #salmon


China King, East Miller Road, Lansing, MI, USA

il y a 4 ans reported by user-zchdx878 détails

I just ate a couple hrs ago. The food was very nasty cold .. broccoli n chicken taste spoiled along with the shrimp .. the fruit taste spoiled as well.. the lady who cooks the food was seen using the bathroom n not washing her hands.. the… Voir plus

#lansing #michigan #us #broccoli #chicken #fish #fruit #shrimp

Me and my 2 year old. Took a little over 24 hours for me to get sick but my son projectile vomited all over me after about 4 hours. I’ve been nauseous all day and just vomited what looks like lo mein.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Nausée, Vomissements

#lansing #michigan #us

I ordered a sausage mcmuffin and mocha frappe at around 4:45pm on 12/19/2019. At about 1am on 12/20/2019 I woke up and was very ill. I had nausea then vomiting for about 6 hours. Then had stomach cramps for a few hours. I stayed in bed until… Voir plus

#mcdonalds #lansing #michigan #us #mocha #sausage


Pancheros Mexican Grill, Preyde Boulevard, Lansing, MI, USA

il y a 4 ans reported by user-BP 8a8c2751-932a-4501-aba8-74f3870b63b6 détails

I must note the restaurant here is not the one I suspect. Do I need to shift gears?, At two chicken tacos there at about 1 p.m. Was the only food I've eaten in days that is unique to me amongst family/friends. Started feeling ill about 7:30… Voir plus

#pancheros #lansing #michigan #us #chicken

iced coffee or munchkins , After eating/drinking my order, I noticed a stomach ache usually associated with drinking too much coffee however I have never had this bad of pain after coffee before nor have the munchkin Donuts ever caused me this much pain. I’m not sure which was the main culprit   | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Nausée, Crampes, Douleur d'estomac

#dunkindonuts #lansing #michigan #us #coffee

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