Food Safety Report: Mild 2 Spicy, 714 W Diversey Pkwy , Chicago, Il, USA.
4 years ago •source • business
Regulatory Report
714 West Diversey Parkway, Chicago, 60614 Illinois, United States
Report date: Jul 27, 202010. Adequate handwashing sinks properly supplied and accessible
- comments: no paper towels provided at handwashing sinks in prep and dishroom/rear prep area,also no paper towels provided at staff washroom. Upon my request manager provided paper towels at said sinks. Priority foundation violation:7-38-030(c),citation issued
21. Proper hot holding temperatures
- comments: found 80 pounds of cooked chicken stored on shelves at rear prep area at temp of 98f, 108f, 118f and 125f. Food discarded and denatured. Hot food must maintain temp of 135f and above. Pound 80,value 100. Priority violation:7-38-005,citation issued
40. Personal cleanliness
- comments: found all employee in prep area not wearing hair restraint,instructed to provide
47. Food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
- comments: gray chipped strip inside the ice machine bin need to be replaced. Surface must be smooth cleanable and non-absorbent surface
47. Food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
- comments: must not use plastic grocery bags as food containers inside the reach-in freezers. Must use washable containers or food grade disposable plastic bags.
47. Food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
- comments: must not use duct tape as a means of repair on pipe in prep area at west wall under prep table. Surface must be smooth and cleanable.
48. Warewashing facilities: installed, maintained & used; test strips
- comments: noted used large pots stored on table instructed to provide a procedure for proper washing and sanitizing of equipment or remove said utensils
53. Toilet facilities: properly constructed, supplied, & cleaned
- comments: must provided lid for receptacle in staff washroom. Also must provide a lid for receptacle in customer's women's washroom or provide at handcapped stall a container with lid.
53. Toilet facilities: properly constructed, supplied, & cleaned
- comments: staff washroom door(rear area) not self closing,instructed to install a self closing device
55. Physical facilities installed, maintained & clean
- comments: seal broken wall between floor and wall at rear prep area.
55. Physical facilities installed, maintained & clean
- comments: observed clutter and unnecessary articles in rear furnace room and rear storage area near to rear exit door. Must removed clutter and unnecessary articles to prevent rodent harborage.
55. Physical facilities installed, maintained & clean
- comments: black substance on wall behind the high temp dish machine,instructed to clean and maintain. Must elevate stock 6' from floor throughout the premises.