Busseto Charcuterie Sampler linked to Salmonella case in MN
1 year ago •source health.state.mn.us
Minnesota, United States
The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) and Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) are currently investigating a salmonella case linked to the consumption of Busseto brand Charcuterie Sampler. This product contains prosciutto, sweet sopressata, and dry coppa and was sold at Sam’s Club or other retailers. 1 Minnesotan reported becoming ill in December after eating the Busseto brand Charcuterie Sampler, not hospitalization was required. MDA staff collected and tested an unopened package of Busseto brand Charcuterie Sampler from the person’s home. The product tested positive for Salmonella.The MDH and MDA are advising consumers to avoid consuming any Busseto brand Charcuterie Sampler with the LOT number L075330300 and an expiration date of April 27, 2024. The individual source of contamination within the sampler remains unknown, as does the possibility of similar products being affected. An investigation is underway to determine the scope of the issue.
Salmonella infection, or salmonellosis, manifests symptoms including diarrhea, abdominal pain, and fever, typically starting within 12 to 96 hours after exposure. In some cases, symptoms can take up to two weeks to appear. While most infections clear within five to seven days, around 28% of laboratory-confirmed cases necessitate hospitalization. The infection is commonly mild and doesn't require medical treatment in otherwise healthy individuals. However, more severe infections may occur, and these sometimes need antibiotic treatment.
In case you are experiencing Salmonella symptoms, it is important to report it. It can help to detect & resolve outbreaks early and prevent others from being harmed, and it enables better surveillance. If symptoms persist, seek medical care.
Source: www.health.state.mn.us/news/pressrel/2024/salmonella010224.html