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Rapports de sécurité alimentaire: Concord, North Carolina, United States

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Rapports récents

I had a burger last night and became violently ill My husband and I ordered the same thing around 7:15pm. A double stacker king with bacon. Immediately after eating i became extremely nauseous with stomach pain. I started experiencing a headache. I then went to sleep. I… Voir plus

#burgerking #concord #northcarolina #us #bacon #burger

Me and my boyfriend at there Friday 2/7/2020 around 8:40 pm. Saturday morning my stomach started hurting and I was extremely nauseous for hours. 4 pm I was vomiting continuously. My boyfriend was at work and said he was fine. By 8pm Saturday night he said his… Voir plus

#applebees #raw #concord #northcarolina #us #bacon #patate #puréedepommesdeterre

I ate there on Jan 24, 2020 around 7pm Friday night and order THE GREAT. I was awaken around 2am with server abdominal pain. I was Vomiting, had diarrhea, chills and was nausea all day saturday.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Nausée, Vomissements, Autre, Frissons, Douleur d'estomac

#vivachicken #concord #northcarolina #us

I got sick after eating the jerk chicken sub on 12/23. I got sick christmas eve, and have been feeling fatigued and having liquid diahrea every 30 minutes or so. not how i want to spend christmas.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Nausée, La fatigue

#concord #northcarolina #us #poulet #sous-catégorie

December 22 ate here had larb gai (not spicy) crab Rangoon and crunchy roll. December 23 ate in another place pepperoni pizza with garlic Parm crust and cinnamon bites. December 24th woke up nauseated and vomiting about every 20 minutes. Four hours later diarrhea started  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Nausée, Vomissements, Autre

#concord #northcarolina #us #cannelle #crabe #croûte #pepperoni #pizza #ail #rouleau

I got Grilled Salmon with veggies, rice, and mashed potatoes. My friends got wings and both of us got sick about 4-6 house later not having had any issues before that and not eating anything since that.  | Symptômes: Nausée, Vomissements, Autre

#concord #northcarolina #us #riz #saumon #ailes #puréedepommesdeterre

Soupe de pommes de terre ou salade d'épinards, j'ai mangé la nourriture à 18 heures le 22 novembre 2019. J'ai commencé à avoir la nausée à 8 h 30 et j'ai vomi à 2 heures du matin. En même temps, j'ai eu la diarrhée. J'ai pris des pilules de gaz qui m'ont tellement aidé ! Ça a gâché ma soirée et aujourd'hui.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Nausée, Vomissements

#concord #northcarolina #us #patate #salade #soupe #épinards

sweet sour chicken, egg roal, Had food at 5:00PM, got sick shortly after. At 11:30PM on 11/07/2019 started throwing UP.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Nausée, Fièvre, Vomissements, Maux

#concord #northcarolina #us #poulet #oeuf

I ordered chicken minis, hash browns and lemonade.  It was all I had eaten that morning.  After eating I went to sleep and was awaken by a feeling of nausea.  I then started having diarrhea and vomiting.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Nausée, Vomissements

#chickfila #concord #northcarolina #us #poulet #limonade