Gluten-Free Cereal Illness - Cheerios, Milford Massachusetts
3 years ago •reported by user-wzdhq575 • business
126 Medway Road, Milford, 01757 Massachusetts, United States
I ate a bowl of cereal as a snack late evening (dry, no milk). It was a newly opened box. I started to feel weird and tired so went to sleep. Woke up especially groggy with nausea. Could not keep food or water down for another 12 hours. Now milder nausea and terrible throbbing headache persist at nearly 6 pm. Have eaten nothing with or since the Cheerios.The Cheerios box stated gluten-free, which should mean no wheat, barley, or rye. Severe symptoms were similar to toxicity I've experienced with foods containing relatively high levels of malted barley. | Symptoms: Nausea, Vomiting, Headache
If the government hasn't pulled General Mills cereals off the market by this time then obviously the government is secretly behind it.