Mrs Kirkham’s Lancashire Cheeses - linked to E. coli STEC outbreak
1 year ago •source
United Kingdom
The Food Standards Agency (FSA), Food Standards Scotland (FSS), and UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) have issued a warning about a potential E.coli contamination in four variations of Mrs Kirkham’s Lancashire Cheese. This warning emerges after the FSA and UKHSA identified a possible presence of Shiga toxin producing E. coli, also known as STEC or VTEC, in 4 products from Mrs Kirkham’s Lancashire Cheese portfolio. UK Health Security Agency confirms 30 cases of E. coli STEC across England and Scotland linked to the consumption of Mrs Kirkham’s Lancashire Cheeses, unfortunately, 1 death has been associated with this outbreak.The FSA and UKHSA have recalled the products as a precautionary measure. Besides being sold individually, the cheeses may also be part of hampers or gift sets. Consumers who suspect they may have purchased these products are advised to confirm with their retailers. The affected products include the Mild & Creamy Lancashire, Tasty Lancashire, Mature Lancashire, and Smoked Lancashire.
Tina Potter, the Head of Incidents at the FSA, and Amy Douglas, Incident Director for Gastrointestinal Infections and Food Safety Division at UKHSA, have urged consumers to heed the product recall advice.
These affected cheeses pose a health concern as STEC, besides being contracted through consuming contaminated foods and water, can also spread through direct contact with infected livestock and close contact with infected individuals. If in contact or ingested, symptoms can develop including severe diarrhoea, sometimes bloody diarrhoea, stomach cramps, and fever.
Consumers who have purchased the recalled products are advised not to consume them and to clean any surfaces or equipment in contact with the cheese thoroughly. Furthermore, it is worth noting that ensuring the fridge's temperature at five degrees Celsius or below can limit the growth of any harmful bacteria.
In case you are experiencing E. coli symptoms, it is important to report it. It can help to detect & resolve outbreaks early and prevent others from being harmed, and it enables better surveillance. If symptoms persist, seek medical care.